Fish Herder
Hi, I wonder if someone could advise me please. I recently bought a Bristlenose Pleco. I looked up the details first and read posts on this forum to make sure I didn't buy a tankbuster. I have had the pleco 3-4 weeks now and it has grown a lot! It now measures 5 1/2 - 6 inches, it was about 3 1/2 - 4 inches when I bought it. I am worried it is going to get really big. My tank is 96litres, about 19 UK gallons, which is why I bought a BN Pleco as they are supposed to only grow to 4 1/2 - 5 inches. Obviously I can't actually measure it properly , but from head to tail it looks about 5 - 6 inches. I have also read on this forum (after I bought the fish) that there are more than one type of BN. Have I bought the wrong sort? If it helps I paid £3.95 for it and I saw others for the same price at two other LFS.