Bristlenose Plec


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2012
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I really want to add 1 or 2 Bristlenose Plecs to my set up -  Currently have a 240 litre roma with 3 x marble angels,10 x zebra danio,5 x lake kutubu rainbow fish and 1 x red tail black shark.
Will the bristlenose fit in? will the shark or angels hassle it? how many should i get? or am I already at capacity? Thankyou
I have a fully grown male in my 260L and he has his cave - no one bothers him and he bothers no one. They're fantastic fish for keeping themselves to themselves.
I have a breeding pair in my 200L and again, they're peaceful and only get a bit stroppy with the Clowns when they have eggs.
They can get territorial over hiding spots so I'd probably say stick with one or a male and female. Or provide lots of caves etc.
They also need bogwood as part of their diet so make sure they have some of that! :D
Thank you again for the advice, feel like I need a hotline to you!
I made loads of mistakes when first got tank by not asking and dont want to make that mistake again. Will got to LFS get some bogwood and soak for a couple of weeks before i add the plec.
mitch70 said:
Thank you again for the advice, feel like I need a hotline to you!
I made loads of mistakes when first got tank by not asking and dont want to make that mistake again. Will got to LFS get some bogwood and soak for a couple of weeks before i add the plec.
Sounds like a plan! You can always PM me if necessary but the perk of starting a topic is you can get lots of replies :p
BN are mostly nocturnal anyways, the angels shouldnt give it any issue but from what i have heard, Red tails are territorial and sit mid to lower tank. So aslong as you BN cave isnt in the sharks territory, you should be ok
The shark is young less than 2 inches so hopefully shouldnt be any problems for a while. Is the tank big enough for both of them? I dont want any more deaths
that tank size should be fine :)
Just keep an eye on your shark 

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