Bristlenose Plec, Im Concerned About Its Stomach


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Apr 10, 2012
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Im very concerned about my bristlenose plec, its only about 1,5" long and tonight i noticed it on the side of the glass and its stomach is massive.. Maybe just overfed but i dont know a lot about these fish.

I have tried to do a drawing of how it is, because i cant get a good pic of it.

Any help on whats up with it please :)


  • plec.JPG
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Seen alot of plecs blowing up.
Mine dead of that too.
What do you feed the plec.
Cook some frozen peas for a few minutes, let cool down, pop out of shell, mush between fingers and add to the tank.
What does it look like when he goes to the toilet.
Aint seen him going to toilet, stayed in the garage for an hour watching him/her, but no sign of going, aslo no sign of color change in it or depression etc, It just swims about normal but i noticed that when its on the side of the glass, its not really sucking as much as the others.

Generally though it seems ok, i am just concerned, maybe its just a greed git lol

I feed them, cucumber, bloodworm (frozen cubes) and algae wafers, i been feeding them a lot lately tohugh to fill them up to breed as i have been doing cold water changes the last few weeks.
Don't feed anymore bloodworms for a while.
Bloodworms are bad for fish if they eat to many, best only to feed bloodworms no more than twice a week.

Try the peas only, don't feed the fish any other foods for two days.

Don't feed anymore bloodworms for a while.
Bloodworms are bad for fish if they eat to many, best only to feed bloodworms no more than twice a week.

Try the peas only, don't feed the fish any other foods for two days.

Don't feed anymore bloodworms for a while.
Bloodworms are bad for fish if they eat to many, best only to feed bloodworms no more than twice a week.

Try the peas only, don't feed the fish any other foods for two days.
OK i will do that and thanks for your quick reply.

What about the other fish in the tank though? there is loads of endlers in it as well as the bristlenose.

Shall i not feed the full tank for 2 days?
It won't do them any harm to feed the peas for a day.
Don't feed the bloodworms for at least a week.
Sorry the board was playing up last night and couldn't post.
Hows the plec now has the bloating gone down.
Yeah i could not get on froum as well :)

The pleco is still bloated but i have not fed them nothing today and i will see how it is tomorrow, it is not moving very much though but still no sign of anything bad.
Bless him.
The only other thing to do is use a bacterial med if you can issolate him.
Once plecs bloat up they usually end up dying most of the time.
Have you tryed the peas.
Epson salt baths are good as it helps draw the fluids out.
Have you seen him go to the toilet.
No i have not yet seen him go to the toilet, im on my way out to get some frozen peas right now as it was to late last night.

What med do i get, il go get this as well, i can put him in a 18" hospital tank that i have if that will be better to isolate him.

What is epson slat baths please?

Oh dear my girlfriend has just found some frozen peas in the freezer, damn i could of done this last night, ok im on it, i will go do this now.

I have some API aquarium salt, will this be ok? if so how much should i put in?

He is now in a 18" hospital tank.
I have managed to get some pictures of him for you when i moved him in to hospital tank, this is what he looks like :(

If you do add the salt I would only add a teaspoon as plecs don't tolerate salt to well.
That salt dosn't it say it can be used for dropsy.
OK, i will go now to the pet store and get some epson salt, do you think the plec looks bad?


He look bloated.
Check his anus to make sure it's not red and inflamed, as it can mean dropsy to internal parasites.
Is his tail bending.

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