Bristlenose Panting Heavily


New Member
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Aldershot, Hampshire
My female bristlenose has just spawned in my little cave and left the male to it (2nd time). However she now seems to be very lazy and slow, also she is laying with her mouth open not sucking, and panting her gills very fast. I initially thought it may be the hot and humid weather we are currently having, but no other fish seem to be affected including the male bristlenose (from what I can see peering into the cave with a small torch). I have since managed to lower the tank temperature by leaving lights off, lid open and a fan blowing across the tank, but still she is showing the problems.

Any ideas what is wrong?
is there enough aeriation in there if she just spawned then it mite have taken alot out of her just make sure surface agitation is at it's highest so theres plenty of oxygen :)

wot are ur water parametrs ammonia,nitite,nitrate? thats allways a good start in diagnosing problems :)

Tank information=
Fish: 2 Bristle Nose, 1 Golden Ram, 8 Hi-fin Platys, About 10 baby platys (most I counted in 1 go, max 1cm), 1 Baby Bristlenose (1cm)
Aeration: 1 Volcanoe, 8inch airstone wall and filter spout moderately breaking surface. All constantly running.
Chemistry: PH = 7.5-7.8, Ammonia = Not actually tested but tank is cycling well --> Nitrate = <25mg/l, Nitrite = <0.3mg/l, Hardness = Very Hard
Water Change = 16 litres on Sundays and Wednesdays
Ammonia = Not actually tested but tank is cycling well

how longs tank been running u should have any reading of ammonia nor nitrite high ammonia may be they cause of the panting/burning the poor fish

u say tank is cycling well is it still cyling or has it finsihed cycling ? sounds like ur doing a fish in cycle which isnt really recommended are u doing water changes 2 get level down?

wot size tank?

I will get a Ammonia test tonight to be sure, can see your point. Less than 0.3 is lowest reading on my chemical test for Nitrite.
Last water test was done on Sunday morning before the water change, so potentially at the tank worst time.

It's 125litres and has been running about 6 months. Yes the water changes are to try control the nitrate
the nitrate isnt problem that level is fine but the nitrite and ammonia need 2 be 0 if ur tank is 6 mnths running then by the sounds of it ur filter is under preforming 6 mnths should have given it plenty of time 2 mture how do u clean ur filter media?

I have a Fluval 3+ filter. Every 2 weeks I pulled the cartridge off and clean 1 side (1 sponge) in the removed tank water, alternating sides each time.
I have a Fluval 3+ filter. Every 2 weeks I pulled the cartridge off and clean 1 side (1 sponge) in the removed tank water, alternating sides each time.

thats really should be suffiecent for 125 ltrs i think that is 700ltrs/h turnover so should be fine maybe it's just the water params then i would test all the parameter and then go from there and just monitor the fish . really thats all i can suggest

Thanks very much for your help.

Hope it is just spawning stress and exhaustion because she is so beautiful. Will check ammonia anyway.
All my bns often done this expecially the male he used to lay on the gravel under his bogwood and just lay with his mouth open, i pressumed he was just sleeping, it never caused him any problems and he would lay like this most days
I've had them both for about 5 months and never seen them like this before. Even when they spawned first time round. But thanks for the comforting

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