Bristlenose for my 29 gallon?

This is the exact reason why I don't want to get more kuhliis. I already have one that is not is not in a good home and I don't want to do this to anymore of them. I have had this one kuhlii for more than 3 years so he is surviving. This video makes me regret not researching my first fish and tank. I had all plastic plants in that tank and did monthly water changes a couple years back and now I understand my mistakes. I now have a heavily planted tank and do 50 percent water changes on both tanks every week and am rewarded with brilliant colors, breeding, and healthy fish. Am I given the go ahead on the BN? And will the high bio load be a problem?
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You tell my Kuhlis that, lol, I have tried and they wont listen, Yes they have their own caves and sand and and bog wood and tons of leaf litter but they insist on sleeping in the BN's cave.

This is a very different thing from what I was getting at in post #12. When we provide adequate places for the fish, they will then be settled. Kuhlii loaches checking out the pleco's abode is fine; he will make it clear to them when he has had enough. But the kuhlii have their own space they can retreat to if they feel it necessary, so they will not be stressed.

I had a pleco several years ago, and a Whiptail in the same 5-foot tank. The tank had several huge chunks of wood, and was well planted. The pleco took up residence in a large chunk of wood, in a semi-open tunnel. The whiptail had been used to moving everywhere around the tank, grazing algae from the chunks of wood. It came along one day and though it was going to graze this chunk of wood, but the pleco made it clear this was his space. Never happened again, that I saw anyway.
But the kuhlii have their own space they can retreat to if they feel it necessary, so they will not be stressed.
Oh yes they have their own spaces,

King puff if you want a BN get one it will be fine,

if you want to catch the Kuhli get a small coke bottle wash it well put some sand in it a pellet of food and stick it in a dark corner of the tank, check it every morning till you catch the loach.
Ok. Thank you. Need to go to the pet store anyway to get some omega one flakes.
Bn's are cool and can be quite friendly once they get to know you.

this is a nice vid. good bit starts 1.52

That's cool! I ended up buying a baby traditional color one. He/ she is about an inch. I put some cucumber in but it has not gotten to it yet. How long can I leave the cucumber in?
I take it out after 24 hours and put a fresh bit in, It may take a few days for it to realize that its food.
You can have one BN in your tank. But BN are not vegetarian and not the best algae eaters either. They are omnivorous. So they can and will very well eat the same food as your other fish.

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