Bristlenose Facts


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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Well my local petsmart finally started stocking these guys and I understand that they are a very popular species on the forum. First of all I have a 6year established now fully planted 25 gal tank that has peaceful community fish. I have 12 mix of tetras, 3 pearl gouramis, 2 ottos, 3 cherry barbs, and 2 yo-yo loachs, now I'm only wanted to add 1 or 2 of these guys since they seem very interesting to me. My few questions are, are they suitible for my tank?, will they kill the otto's?, is there any change in body structure or coloring with age?, how hardy are they?, and is 8 bucks sound a little high in price?, also if anyone has any additional info please let me know. I look forward to hear from you!
Well my local petsmart finally started stocking these guys and I understand that they are a very popular species on the forum. First of all I have a 6year established now fully planted 25 gal tank that has peaceful community fish. I have 12 mix of tetras, 3 pearl gouramis, 2 ottos, 3 cherry barbs, and 2 yo-yo loachs, now I'm only wanted to add 1 or 2 of these guys since they seem very interesting to me. My few questions are, are they suitible for my tank?, will they kill the otto's?, is there any change in body structure or coloring with age?, how hardy are they?, and is 8 bucks sound a little high in price?, also if anyone has any additional info please let me know. I look forward to hear from you!
I believe it's about 1.5 US$ to the GB£ and I bought mine for £4. So it's not too bad, and it depends on the size, mine was about 1 inch long when I bough it.
They need Bogwood/ Mopani wood to chew on, it helps their digestive system. I'm sure many plecos have happily lived without it but it's better to be safe than sorry. Besides, Bogwood/Mopani wood looks awesome.
You will need algae wafers or cucumber to feed them. They are primarily algae eaters, eating any small life forms on the surfaces of rocks and wood, however, with 2 oto's in there they won't have enough food from just algae.

I would be very surprised if a bn pleco killed an oto.
Also, sexing when small is very difficult, when they get bigger males have loads of bristles coming out of their head, which arguably looks WIERD. If you get 2 of those then they will fight, one male one female will likely breed (good money), 2 females will go about their business, just make sure that for every male you have a female unless you only have one male (or have as many females as you like)
Yeah I'll most likly be getting one then. I do have driftwood now so no problem there, I don't know the size they sell them for since there always out of them but I'm guessing around an inch or two. I was also thinking of the small species of clown plecos 2 since they look very pretty. I don't know the exact species but I know its the smaller ones as there only 3 bucks where I'm at. What do you think are better? I'm looking for a plec that stays small and has some interesting features.
at those prices get the clowns for sure.

they will eat the wood and wont be so much competition for the algae with the otos
Now you mean they eat the wood alittle they won't make it ugly will they or demolish it right?
No they don't make holes in the wood or hurt it. They just rasp or suck on the fibbers of the wood.

$3.00 for a clown pleco is a good price I spent $10 for mine. I also have a Bristle nose who is my favourite. She was in a tank labelled as common pleco so I got her for $2.00.

If you are not looking for a hard working fish the clown pleco is a good pick they only get 3 inches. They are shy so you might see her as much. The bristle nose is a peaceful fish that works hard, she is very active and not shy like the clown pleco. My little girl keeps the tank free from algae. I have an oto too. The best thing is when I put an algae wafer in the tank the BN comes out and finds it then the little Oto comes out and eats with the BN. One time I saw my Oto resting on top of the Bn it was great I wish I had my camera.

So whatever one you pick will be fine with your other fish.

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