Bristlenose Eggs

there are now lots of empty egg cases outside of the cave and the fry are in it with their yolk sacks
and the male is venturing out a bit firther now to give them space
mine spawnned 12 days ago they look like minuture versions of bn they are venturing out not far just around dad thou

cheers dane
How lovely - I wish I could have the same success.

My bristlenose catfish have tried to hatch eggs twice but the bala sharks and/or clown loaches get them as soon as they have hatched. We saw the first lot of babies under a slate cave we made but couldn't protect them unfortunately. Next time we didn't actually see them hatch. We thought of moving the slate and the dad into a separate tank but as the cave was made of a few pieces we were afraid of squashing them. We then put an upturned terracotta pot in the tank which is what the local aquatic shop advised but they haven't bothered to lay eggs since so we eventually took it back out. Quite honestly, I don't blame them - the male worked so hard to fan the eggs just to have them all eaten.
So what have people done with the females after the eggs have been layed.
I think I have a female in a hexegon tank with guppies and their fry and I was wondering if I put the male in the tank I don't want to keep both of them in there all the time.

Does the female play any other role once she has laied the eggs
basically you carnt just put a male in with a female or vice versa and expect instant results it may take a few weeks to a few months it took mine 4 months i have a 18x12x12 tank with a pair in waiting for them to breed and also have a few other pairs in my main tank

the male will trap the female where he wants her to spawn once she is egg bound and once she has spawned the male takes over and protects and raises the fry untill the are big enough to venture out

golden comet i have now released the fry in to the main tank from the breeding trap as i have now moved house and that is the only reason i had them in the trap was ease of moving them, they can find better food and a lot more space and hiding places than being in the breeding trap so will feel alot more secure and less stress full :rolleyes:

cheers dane
is there a risk of them being sucked into the filter? and how can i cover it? its a juwel rio 125 filter by the way
shouldnt think so if you are really bothered about it you could get some tights ans glue them over the filter intake i have heard that super glue is safe

cheers dane

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