Bristlenose Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
UK, Lancashire
my female bristlenose laid eggs in my slat cave yesterday evening and the male is guarding them.
a couple of them have been flicked out so i've got them in a net, and also i don't have a spare tank but i have one of those floating plastic breeding things
so what can i do now?
what colour are the ones he flicked out?

you will need a constant flow on them to keep fungus away, maybe add a bubble wall below them
mine has flicked a fare few out bout 20 :angry: i have about 25 left that have hatched that i have seen when he comes out to adjust himself i have pics uploading them later hope the eggs you have left in your breeding trap are ok
when the babys com out if you want to just catch them. and put them in breeding trap, divide the tank, put them in a diff tank. whatever you thinks best.
yeah as discusAngel said but if they are in a tank with chiclids it will be like a fast food department if not i would just leave them for a bit to fatten up
the other fish are cardinals danios and cories.
the cardinals might not be to bad but danio are greedy little buggers
the man at my local maidenhead aquatics said i can just leave them in the tank and put some catfish pellets in and feed them cucumber?
the man at my local maidenhead aquatics said i can just leave them in the tank and put some catfish pellets in and feed them cucumber? should i leave them in or put them in a breeding trap, because im worried they could get sucked into the filter
theyll be fine. theyll come out at about half an inch. but any kicked out eggs are either infected with fungus or accidently kicked out (if brownish save them and put them in a breeding trap)
i've seen the eggs with a torch and there are loads they are now starting to hatch with little tails sticking out of them

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