Bristlenose Catfish Advice

Noahs ark6

Fish Herder
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
Sheffield, Yorkshire, England

I got 2 BN plecos 2 days ago for a 125litre tank. However, they have'nt eaten anything and don't seem to like the food i'm putting in for them. I've got no algae so i got some king british pleco tablets. Does anyone have a reccomendation as to which food catfish will eat.


EDIT---- sorry wrong title

I got 2 BN plecos 2 days ago for a 125litre tank. However, they have'nt eaten anything and don't seem to like the food i'm putting in for them. I've got no algae so i got some king british pleco tablets. Does anyone have a reccomendation as to which food catfish wil eat.

Try courgette or cucumber. Or salad.
Also, what are the water stats?

ph- 6.3-6.5
Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate-0

Will try some cucumber, thanks
The PH sounds a bit low, but doubt that could affect the plecos.
If cucumber doesn't work, try some salad. Some of my fish love it.

ph- 6.3-6.5
Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate-0

Will try some cucumber, thanks
The PH sounds a bit low, but doubt that could affect the plecos.
If cucumber doesn't work, try some salad. Some of my fish love it.
Awesome, will try some of them tomoz.
Ye, my Ph is 6.4 out of the tap. I'm thinking of putting some crushed coral in the filter to raise it abit, but then again, i read its better to leave it low than to try and alter it???

ph- 6.3-6.5
Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate-0

Will try some cucumber, thanks
The PH sounds a bit low, but doubt that could affect the plecos.
If cucumber doesn't work, try some salad. Some of my fish love it.
Awesome, will try some of them tomoz.
Ye, my Ph is 6.4 out of the tap. I'm thinking of putting some crushed coral in the filter to raise it abit, but then again, i read its better to leave it low than to try and alter it???
Yeah, better to have a stable PH than to alter it. And since your stats are all 0, then it means the filter's doing great along with the plants (otherwise I don't know how your nitrates can be 0).

Just try vegetables and see which they like.
If they keep refusing to eat, they may have been stressed by something.
try courgette as its apparently much better than cucumber for the fish. cucumber is almost all water so not many nutrients in there for the fish. can you find out from the supplier what they fed them on? a fish thats been stressed due to a move may not eat anyway for a day or two and if you try it on new foods it may not accept them at start.
BNs need wood to chomp on, so be sure you have a piece of driftwood or bogwood in there for him to munch.

Here's a photo of mine and what he's done to the wood in there ...

I've got a large piece of sumatra driftwood. How much will they chew it?, because its a really nice piece and i would hate to see it destroyed.
I will go to the LFS and ask them what they fed them, thanks :good:

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