Bristle Nose Plecs And Oscars......

community begginer

Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
melbourne, australia
hay all..... i ahve a oscar and am thinking of getting a bristlenose or 2 or some sort of catfish.... if i were to get them they would prob be about 5 - 9 cm.... my oscar is 4 inches and is placid..... if you have any suggestions please let me know. and please do not suggest any "tank busters".... atm ive only got him in a odd shaped 2 footer with a rather large/ high side.
this is his grow out tank so i can move him to a bigger tank with other big oscars when he is big enough. (im holdiong on to him for a mate). (he has the 6 footer, soon to be his new home).....
regards communtiy..
i wouldnt risk keeping a oscar with bristlenoses :no: oscars grow at a quick rate and bristles slower...<dinner any1>
how many oscars is it going to be in with because a 6ft is not big enough to keep a group of oscars :look:
in a tank that small you have him in is not for longer than about 1month....
my mate only has one in tehre at the moment but im growing this guy up a bit so he can go in with the big gun......
he will only be in there 2 months tops....
thanx for your help.

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