loss of the three guppys, think they were old.
Part n parcel, out of the ten guppy's yesterday managed to re-locate one...funny nuff it was trapped in the skimmer lol.
And lo and behold the guppy fry's in the 25l tank haven't bothered it....for now.
But if they were any bigger I'd do a crazy think like that...TBH took a chance. Learning lol.
To truly honest theres enough with about 10 guppy fry in the 25l, they grow.
Daresn't over crown the big tank, maybe it bursting (ok the calculators are just a suggested...) Maybe the Tetra's were over the top, but in all my tanks over the 27 years only had about 6 neons, so wanted to see what they'' look with 15, was 16 but one died.
3 Cory's
15 Tetra's
4 guppy's (one male, 2 females & Lucky2)
6 Danio's
1 Lucky (species to find out)
2 zebra snails
about 3-4 Amano shrimps.
WC twice a week. Sunday 50%, weds 20%.
No ferts as the plants are thriving.
But then damb horrible tiny snails doing my heed in.
sooooo feeding moderate in the morn. (both the skimmer & filter off for 5 mins)
Flake (for guppy's & dannio's) crushed bug bite for the neon's. Alternate a treat frozen daphnia, black worm etc.
I always do Banana & micro worms just incase there fry lol. and of course keep the starter constant.
Anyway up at 6.....busy day WC'ing.
Nite nite All.