Bring Back the rotating spray bars..and bring back 1986 too...


Fish Herder
Dec 10, 2018
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I liked those..looked professional on DSL filter rolls. Gave a nice even wall of water. Why did that go away?
What you talking about Willis, I mean Stan?

pictures or it didn't happen.

and if you can go back to 1986, tell the younger me to avoid cycling on Leach Hwy in 1989, especially at the intersection by the tennis courts in Rossmoyne. And tell me to buy 10,000 bit coins in 2011.
I need pics/a video too I'm afraid!
If you do go back to 1986 I want the same advice as Colin gets about buying/mining bitcoin as soon as it becomes available please. But I'd only be three, so if you could swing by a bit later, when I've mastered language and potty training, I'd be grateful.
Ahhh, if I only knew in '86 what I know now*

Rotating spray-bars? Google, here I come...

*I'd probably STILL make the same stupid mistakes
1986 ? Bring back 1963. I want stainless steel framed aquariums again. And no weisenheimer remarks about it either. That's all I want from the olden days , stainless steel framed aquariums. I hate plastic. There's too much of it in the world , it's ugly and it's wasteful.
But... but, then I wouldn't even exist :eek: and no one wants that.
1986 ? Bring back 1963. I want stainless steel framed aquariums again. And no weisenheimer remarks about it either. That's all I want from the olden days , stainless steel framed aquariums. I hate plastic. There's too much of it in the world , it's ugly and it's wasteful.
Stainless steel frames and putty. I prefer silicon. :)
I liked those..looked professional on DSL filter rolls. Gave a nice even wall of water. Why did that go away?
Can you explain or illustrate? Not one of these I gather:
Wow!..not a single photo of one on the internet. You can find discussions of "Old school 1980's filters and rotating spray bars"..No photos.
If I find a pic in one of my older books,I'll post.
Nope. It was like a wastewater plants rotating spray pipes.In miniature.

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