brine shrimp


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2005
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i just tried hatching some brine shrimp i got a bunch but i cant seem to catch them without getting some eggs with em can someone tell me if the shells will harm my fish and if so how do i seperate eggs for the shrimp/.
i usually put a ;light on the very bottom of my 2 liter bottle

the shells float and the shrimp will swim to the light

i then use a little pipette that came with one of my hagen test kits and scoop them out, i get very few shells that way
Agree with the above...however, you can drain the brine shrimp out of the bottom of a bottle right into a brine shrimp net and leave the shells behind. That is the kit I great. SH
You can buy "shell less eggs" which is what I use. They cost a bit more but are a lot less bother and I get a better hatching percentage.

Before they were available, I had a hatchery with a "dark" side and a "light" side, the eggs went into the dark side and "the force" guided the shrimps through the holes to the light side.
If you build a 2liter hatching setup just shine a light at the bottom of the bottle in a dark room. The shrimp will gather at the light. Then drain from the bottom to collect the shrimp.

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There are also articles for decapsulating artemia cysts all over the web. Its not all that dificult to do once you get the hang of it. Once decaspulated there is no need to hatch them, just feed them as is. Unhatched decapsulated artemia cysts will be more nutritional since the energy wasnt expelled hatching from the cyst.
I shine a work light on the side towards the bottom of the bottle. Wait a few minuites & suck them out with a turkey baster.


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