Brine Shrimp


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
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Would any fish roughly 2 to 3 inches long (Giant danios / danios / etc.) feed on newly hatched brine shrimp? Or would they be too small for the fish to locate. I feel as if I started to feed BBS, or attempted to, it wouldn't go so well without training the fish to eat them.
Largest fish I had in my tank when I fed them brine shrimp was a Red rainbow fish, and it was about 3inch and loved them! He and all the other fish in there just couldn't get enough of them. They love to hunt!
I fed some to my zebra danios yesterday. They seemed to have fun chasing them around and eating them. I dont know how mush susintance they offered the danios, but they definatly ate them once they noticed them. MY dwarf gourami also ate some, however today he seems a little bloated and is kinda sluggish and shy, so he might have swallowed to much air. Im trying to raise the brine shrimp larger as we speak, so i'll let you know if the danios like those better.

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