Bright Green Blotches


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Macclesfield (UK)
I am currently 11 days into my fishless cycle and everything seems to be going ok.

Ammonia keeps dropping, keep bumping it back up. Nitrites still off the chart.

BUT i have noticed bright green blotches have appeared on the substrate (coral sand), also on my nice white coral rock.

Is this normal? Is it algae? Shall i try to remove it?

In my opinion it looks like stains rather than a growth, but could be wrong.

Help/advice please.
it'll most likley be algae

if you want to remove it you can probably scrub it off, however it'll most likley come back. remember while your cycling all your nutrient levels are sky high which leads to algae, once the tank's done cycling and has settled down you may find less algae growth
Thanks for the help.

Shall i just leave it until i have finished cycling the tank then?

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