brichardi question


Fish Addict
Apr 12, 2004
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hey guys its good to be back on the forums and i have a question, :D ok whats would be best for a brichardi family sand,gravel,or crushed coral i no i need rocks but im unsure of what substance to use at the bottom
i dont think it would really matter to be honest just plenty of rocks. how many do you keep? there natural substate would be rocky they come from the very rocky parts of lake tanganyika,
yea i new plenty of rocks because they love to hide in them and my family right now is about 12 i think there starting to breed its so much fun watching the family work as a team
I am looking to buy a pair of brichardi, is there any easy way to tell male/female's apart when they are so little at the LFS???
lissa1794 said:
I am looking to buy a pair of brichardi, is there any easy way to tell male/female's apart when they are so little at the LFS???
Not sure what kind you are reffering to. This is the most common Brichardi in shops:


But no they are hard next to impossible to seperate. If you just want a pair get 3-4 and when a pair emerges remove the other fish.
speaking of brichardis i bought a brichardi and it turns out to be the most agressive fish i have ever owned right now it is in a 70g tank with a twig cat and a common pleco and a school of goldfish (were feeder fish gonna give em to a friend
) and anyway r all brichardi so agressive i have it in the tank with 4 yellow labs and a tret and a calvus but it hurt the tret so bad i had to return him but im still stuck with him what do i do give him away? but he looks so nice and i was thinking of getting a mate bt can i breed them on a 25g tank?

oh and by the way my brichardi doesn't have a face like that its round??????whats up with that
Lissa, I've seen those small brichardis, used to be that they didn't sell them that small though, and you got what the ones in Snowie's pic look like. They said that males had slightly longer finnage, females more stocky body shape, but when they're that small you can't really tell. I just recently bought four of the small ones hoping to get a pair. One prior experience with brichardis was several years ago, bought one on impulse not knowing anything about African cichlids, just thought it was a pretty fish. Put it in a community tank with (believe it or not) 2 large angelfish, a male betta, and several coral platys ( I really hate to admit that I did this ) :S . Amazingly, the brichardi was no problem at all, completely peaceful. Talk about lucky.
tdins, I dont have experience with breeding brichardis, but I hope to soon. What I have read though says that they can be bred in a 20 gal as long as there is plenty of rocks, hiding places,etc. Not sure what a round faced brichardi would be, sounds like Charlie Brown :D
i got a good pic of him and last night i installed my image transfer and image mixer amd there on the computer but i dont know how to put them on here?
In my experience Brichardi isn't very aggressive unless breeding, but there are always exceptions. Tdins, if you think it is aggressive now, add a mate! A 25 is enough, but won't allow for any companions. If you have a brichardi that is.

You need to put your picture on the web somewhere first (lots of free services for that) and then post it using the IMG tag.
as promised heres the brichardi with the round face got to aquarium pics ans test pic

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