New Member
I think i'll go for convicts then, seems to be the general consensus.
If I were you I would find out first where you can find an outlet for your convicts; I have no experience of them but have heard that they are not always easy to sell as they breed so quickly. Problem with most fish is they don't know the meaning of the word moderation. A fish that could be relied on to produce exactly 3 fry, all extremely hardy, exactly once a year would be a fishkeeper's dream- but it doesn't work that way. Think through your accomodation first and remember you do need to bring them up to a saleable age.
I have a second tank, its actually bigger than my main tank, though I wouldnt want to sell to a shop, id probably keep them or sell to individuals who can come to my house privately. Maybe give them away for free.
I was actually today wondering if I could get live food to breed in a seperate tank, that would save me a few quid, could also sell/give away privately as well, maybe that would be more difficult though.
Thanks for the advice though, its all much appreciated.