Fish Fanatic
Hey guys, I figured I would post this and see what you guys came up with and had to say. As far as successfully breeding your Bettas, what tips and tricks do you all have up your sleeves. What's the process you all take to get the pair ready and, for the most part, willing? Do you help by doing any one or two things in particular to make their environment better, feed them something extra, or do the entire process in a certain order?
Anything could help, really. Most of my females have come around and gone waiting for any one of the males to get their act together, but it seems my males are more interested in just puttering around and striking beautiful poses for my camera lens. They don't seem all that interested in females like bettas I have had in the past were. Experience always paired me up with males who were so eager to do anything they would build nests for the little fish ornament I had in with them! These guys? So lazy.. if they had legs they'd sit on the couch and watch football, or in front of a mirror admiring themselves.
Anything could help, really. Most of my females have come around and gone waiting for any one of the males to get their act together, but it seems my males are more interested in just puttering around and striking beautiful poses for my camera lens. They don't seem all that interested in females like bettas I have had in the past were. Experience always paired me up with males who were so eager to do anything they would build nests for the little fish ornament I had in with them! These guys? So lazy.. if they had legs they'd sit on the couch and watch football, or in front of a mirror admiring themselves.