Breeding spotty puffer fish

That's roughly a 10 gallon tank, probably a little bit smaller than that. Your tank is much too small for a Green Spotted Puffer (Tetraodon nigroviridis, I believe) which will probably grow to a maximum of 17 cm if housed properly. As has been stated, they also require a brackish environment for their juvenile stage of development, slowly increasing in salinity into a marine environment. If you didn't know any of this information, I strongly believe it is best for the fish if you bring it back to your LFS, do some research, and then set up a tank that is of suitable capacity for your fish.

Hope this helped.
10 litres!? Thats 2.5 gallons!! too small for anything but a betta!

Feed him what you normally would, and remove anything not eaten within 2 mins. Gradually reduce the amount you feed until it is all eaten within 2 minutes.

And you really need a bigger tank. The puffer will soon outgrow yours if it hasnt already. Do not be fooled by myths that claim fish only grow to the size of their surroundings. Their bodies may stop growing, but their internal organs wont leading to a vastly reduced life span :(
Return him, get a 10 gallon, and order some Dwarf Puffers and ottos.

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