Breeding spotty puffer fish


New Member
Aug 13, 2004
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:lol: B) :) ;) hi i have got a 18x10x10 fish tank i have had 1 puffer in there for 3 days and wandering what else i would now need to get them to breed like live plants or something :) :) :) :D :D

We can't help if we don't know what kind of puffer it is. Also more than 1 puffer would help.
Another puffer? :D

Breeding puffers is tough, since sexing them as juveniles is tough. I'd advise getting a trio, then being able to remove teh odd one out if a pair shows up. Otherwise, the most frequently lay eggs on the bottom of a large leaf. Make sure you have lots of live foods on hand for feeding the babies, and remove the adults once the eggs harden (3-4 days after laying). Make sure the tank has adequate flow, but that all filters and powerheads have a sponge pre-filter so the juveniles don't get caught in them. Plan on doing daily changes to keep the water quality up.
diVer said:
We can't help if we don't know what kind of puffer it is. Also more than 1 puffer would help.
its a spotty tropical puffer fish sorry i dont know the technical name for it but i dont know how many more puffers to get
unfortunately a spotty tropical puffer fish could be any one of a number, and without knowing which it is we cant really advise you to add any more puffers, some species are aggressive towards their own kind and shouldnt be kept together.

Maybe a picture would help us identify the puffer for you?
You need plants because they lay their eggs on them, and I would recommend live plants simply because they look better and they like to eat them. I have big pock-marked holes in my plants! Get some java fern! They can just about survive the puffers, I think you are talking about Green Spotted Puffers. Do a search for them on google images and tell us if they look like that!
Puffer_freak said:
You need plants because they lay their eggs on them, and I would recommend live plants simply because they look better and they like to eat them. I have big pock-marked holes in my plants! Get some java fern! They can just about survive the puffers, I think you are talking about Green Spotted Puffers. Do a search for them on google images and tell us if they look like that!
:D :D here is a pic i found on google under spotty puffer fish its just like him in everyway
;) ;)

he has got a really bulky belly now! is that normal !?!?!?!?!?
That's a brackish water fish which will require salt in its water as it get older.
All I have to say to you is "have fun!"

Green Spotted Puffers are nearly impossible to breed, I'm pretty sure that no one has successfully bred them in captivity. When they breed, they travel from the ocean, up through the stream to freshwater, where they lay their eggs. Obviously, at full age, these puffers are suppose to be in a full marine tank. Now, if you were to even try doing this, you would have to slowly bring the SA of the tank from full marine to freshwater, over the course of maybe around 6 months? Also, you have bacteria problems to deal with, since freshwater and salt water bacteria is different, thus your cycled tank would obviously "uncycle." Thirdly, the only way you can sex the Green Spotted Puffer is internally, the male and female are exactly alike.
diVer said:
That's a brackish water fish which will require salt in its water as it get older.
they dont eat all their food is it possible for me to pop a bottom feeder in? a picus cat fish or a cory dora or a loach?? just so the food doesnt rot and then shoot the ammonia levels through he roof
NO don't put them in!!!!!!

They need brackish water and they will not stand it!

If they don't eat it, don't fees them so much, and just scoop it out with a net. What size tank are you keeping it in, and how often are you feeding?
Puffer_freak said:
NO don't put them in!!!!!!

They need brackish water and they will not stand it!

If they don't eat it, don't fees them so much, and just scoop it out with a net. What size tank are you keeping it in, and how often are you feeding?
its a small tank.....18in x 11in x 11in :-(
Puffer_freak said:
How many gallons and how often fed?
no idea how many gallons feed him about a quater of a ice cube of cockel or red mosiquto lavae

rough guess 10 litres

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