Breeding Red Cherry Shrimp Do's And Don't

Yes, the molts are exact replicas of the shrimp themselves, legs and antenna included, so it pretty much just looks like the ghost of a shrimp, not to be confused with ghost shrimp. It's advised to leave the shed exoskeletons in the tank because it contains nutrients and vitamins the shrimp need, and they will consume it. I always leave the molts in the tank and it's there one day and gone the next. But like I said earlier I have snails that eat anything, and yes I have seen a snail munching on the molt of a shrimp. Wish my camera was working and could've took a pic, cuz I didn't quite believe it myself when it was happening.

PS, glad I can help you out.
DISASTER! I now have 7 cherry shrimp left out of ten i'v been checking over and over now and it's official 7 is the most i can count. My dwarf gourami has been removed to my brothers tank and now apart from two plecs my cherry shrimp have free reign in my 150l tank. The problem is I am unsure whether I have any males left and therefore may have to go get another there is one he is quite a bit smaller than the females and has no yellow in him to suggest eggs, he is clear ut stil has some red in him nearl as much as one of my not so well coloured females. This makes me unsure that he is a male or just a juvenile from the mix i bought and could be female. Any help!!

Hahaha sorry guys just found the answer in another discussion luckily he is a male. Heres the link for anyone looking.

The dissapearence coincided with moults found on the floor of my aqarium 3 moult and three dissapearences so th gourami must have been taking advantage of them.

Yep he is a male is one male and 6 females an okay mix or do i need more males is that to much for him to handle I'm gona have to come up with a stud name for him.
DISASTER! I now have 7 cherry shrimp left out of ten i'v been checking over and over now and it's official 7 is the most i can count. My dwarf gourami has been removed to my brothers tank and now apart from two plecs my cherry shrimp have free reign in my 150l tank. The problem is I am unsure whether I have any males left and therefore may have to go get another there is one he is quite a bit smaller than the females and has no yellow in him to suggest eggs, he is clear ut stil has some red in him nearl as much as one of my not so well coloured females. This makes me unsure that he is a male or just a juvenile from the mix i bought and could be female. Any help!!

Hahaha sorry guys just found the answer in another discussion luckily he is a male. Heres the link for anyone looking.

The dissapearence coincided with moults found on the floor of my aqarium 3 moult and three dissapearences so th gourami must have been taking advantage of them.

Yep he is a male is one male and 6 females an okay mix or do i need more males is that to much for him to handle I'm gona have to come up with a stud name for him.

As a shrimp breeder/seller I would suggest that unless your fish are very small like guppys etc they will eat your shrimp - full stop...!!! The female RCS will attain a fully grown length of approx 1 inch, the males slightly smaller - thus the smaller the shrimp the more likely it will be viewed as a meal by your fish. On the Pleco subject - I have around 15 shrimp breeding tanks, one of which also houses a breeding pair of Bristlenose catfish - not unlike a Pleco - these guys are mainly algae eaters and really dont have the nouse to chase fast moving shrimp - they will however scavange on the carcuses of dead shrimp and of course the moults. Your main secret to success in keeping RCS is to maintain a healthy tank - water change every week without fail - the shrimp waste is tiny and will find its way to the bottom of your subtrate and will ROT if not removed thus increasing the demand on your filter media - it is particularly important therefore if you have subtrate to clean right down to the glass bottom. Vary their diet, they will eat almost anything - I use granular Red Astax Cichlid crumb (Im a Malawi breeder)and Spirulina stix from TA Aquaculture. They will happily take fruit/veg however make sure this is manually removed from your tank before it starts to foul the water - if your tank is heated the decomposition of any vegetable matter is rapidly increased putting further bio-load on your filter. Do not overfeed, underfeeding is better, shrimp are scavangers and will find food even if you cant see it - they will survive without food for over a week. NEVER use anything that has even the slightest trace of Copper - this will Kill your shrimp stone dead. Some aquarists eventually find the are unable to keep shrimp because their old Copper central heating water tank is causing contamination when doing water changes - just a point to aware of.

Good luck - keep the water changes going, reduce your feeding and your Nitrates will eventually come down.

Nice advice will keep this in mind while setting my new shrimp tank

I have cherry shrimp in with my peppermint bristlenose. They breed like rabbits, i use em as feeders for my other fish, as they over run the tank otherwise
They get fed algae discs, shrimp pellets, zucchini (mainly for the noses, but shrimp will have a go too)
I do water changes monthly
I started with RCS and when the population got over 100 I started putting fish in there. Now there are 3 endler's, 6 pygmy corys, and a betta and I still have new babies. None of the adults get messed with and the fish control the growth but after 6 months I still have well over a hundred shrimp.

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