Breeding Pygmy Cories...

I have pygmy fry :hyper:

4 have hatched so far,so tiny :hyper: ,here's a quick pic of the 4 i've separated

Update - little pygmy fry seem to be doing good :) there's around 25 hatched and several zipping around the parent tank :)

And they've spawned again,spotted 6 new eggs :good:

Aparently the adults don't eat the eggs or fry... :unsure: so i thought i'd see how the next batch fair in the tank...
Here's pics of pygmy fry, i'm amazed how fast they have grown in a few days :hyper:

spotted one of the fry in main tank so grab the camera :lol:

Here's the 17 during a net clean :)

I LOVVVVE the close up! That is an amazing shot! How on earth did the camera even begin to focus on a baby pygmy?
I have found 7 fry in the parent tank,so decided to move these across to the fry tank,they seem to be growing well and just over a week old,with a few younger ones maybe 3 days old :)

From mere dots they now look like this in a week

Pygmy fry appear to be doing ok :)

Heres's 2 pics of the pygmy fry that came out of hiding :)

Pygmy fry in fry tank

Pygmy fry in adult tank- this wee one keeps avoiding capture :lol:
Just an update - more new fry zipping around the parent tank ,and more eggs spotted :)
Well the pygmys are continuing to spawn :good: ,the habrosus look quite frisky too! :hyper:

I did have 2 trilineaus juvi's in with them,but the fry that were in there seem to be disappearing,so maybe the juvi's are eating them... :unsure:
The adults don't appear to touch the eggs or fry,i was watching them for ages and the fry were by them and they didn't attempt to touch them... :rolleyes:
So i have put the juvi's in the main tank to grow a bit more.
Update on the breeding :)

Here's a few spotted in the pygmy tank hiding away,and an older pygmy fry,probably around 4 wks old now

The other day i done a bottom clean on the pygmy tank,i was very careful not to suck up any fry,although i did use a tub and airline to do it,on checking the water for any frylets,i found one and also spotted eggs in there :hyper: 16 of them in total,so i put these in a separate net,they hatched the following day :wub:
Here's pics of 11 of them,i'm sure the habrosus are spawning also,has few of the fry haven't got the noticeable stripes on them,some are smaller with a thin stripe going down the spine...

LOVIN the pics! But what are you keeping the fry in? It looks like a jar from the pictures. Is it a fish bowl?
The fry went into the main tank with the adults,they were in a yogurt pot,has they had just hatched from the net,so i transferred them after :)

Pygmy cory are reported that they don't eat their fry...but i have my doubts... :unsure:
Well after checking the tank again i think the adult pygmys are eating the fry,has they seem to have been disappearing,so i am trying to save any tiny fry has they hatch.
I've got 7 in a net at the moment,when they grow a bit i will put them back in with the adults,there are 4 juvi's in there now,that were brought on in the tri fry tank. :)

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