Hi wrswrs said:I hope so. My corries are so cute, it would be nice if they had babys. I did breed my guppy, 7 babies are still left. But two are midgets.
Livebearers are often a good way to learn breeding. Mating is often the easy part, while raising the little fry is much harder, and since egglayer fry are smaller still, they are that much harder.

First, I think sometimes guppy fry grow up to be smaller and less fancy then their often over bred parents. They don't always breed true. That could be the reason why they seem like midgets. Or, perhaps you might have had better luck if you had fed them differently. It would be good if you made a big effort to understand what is going on with them so you can apply your knowledge in the future.
None of us can always do exactly what we want to, when we want to.