breeding problems

wrs said:
I hope so. My corries are so cute, it would be nice if they had babys. I did breed my guppy, 7 babies are still left. But two are midgets.
Hi wrs :)

Livebearers are often a good way to learn breeding. Mating is often the easy part, while raising the little fry is much harder, and since egglayer fry are smaller still, they are that much harder. :nod: Why not learn as much as you can and do an excellent job of raising your guppies?

First, I think sometimes guppy fry grow up to be smaller and less fancy then their often over bred parents. They don't always breed true. That could be the reason why they seem like midgets. Or, perhaps you might have had better luck if you had fed them differently. It would be good if you made a big effort to understand what is going on with them so you can apply your knowledge in the future.

None of us can always do exactly what we want to, when we want to. :no: But, often we find, when we look back, that things turned out for the best. :D
wrs said:
they seem to like eachother. They stare at eachother all the time.
i stare at ugly people sometimes. it doesnt mean i want to mate with them...

ok-i know that was off topic...and slightly mean...and dumb...
was that flaming? i'm not too sure.
jacblades has a valid point though, just because someone has two bettas doesn't automatically mean that they should be bred, especially if you don't know what you are doing, i roll my eyes everytime i hear someone say "oh, i've got my bettas together in a tank, the male is making a nest i think i might want to breed them to see what happens, help, what do i do?" questions like that should have been answered before you ever put the two together, you put the fishes lives at risk and you pretty much resign any fry that come of it to an early death simply because you have not prepared anything beforehand i.e. live food etc.
bkk_group said:
was that flaming? i'm not too sure.
jacblades has a valid point though, just because someone has two bettas doesn't automatically mean that they should be bred, especially if you don't know what you are doing, i roll my eyes everytime i hear someone say "oh, i've got my bettas together in a tank, the male is making a nest i think i might want to breed them to see what happens, help, what do i do?" questions like that should have been answered before you ever put the two together, you put the fishes lives at risk and you pretty much resign any fry that come of it to an early death simply because you have not prepared anything beforehand i.e. live food etc.
I completely agree :thumbs: :nod:
inch-im sorry you dont like me :-( but i was trying to make a point in a humorous way. was anyone offened by that? if so, i will gladly delete it.
jacblades said:
inch-im sorry you dont like me :-( but i was trying to make a point in a humorous way. was anyone offened by that? if so, i will gladly delete it.
Hi jacblades :)

That's not true at all. :no: But rather than discuss it here, I'll pm you. :)

One of the best things about posting on a forum is that we are able to discuss many issues with people who may have opinions that are very different from our own. Just because we disagree, it does not mean we do not like them. But people sometimes do get confused about this.

That's why I like to encourage members to be courteous and polite and to think of the feelings of the other members. While a smart remark may be fun at the time it is made, or bad language might seem cool, in the long run it does no one's credibility any good. :D

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