breeding problems


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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my betta CT's are supposed to breed. They both green tourquist ones. The problem is with the guy, he makes his bubble nests on the side of the tank, not the middle, and he chases her instead of getting all breeding. And shes HUGE and ready. And the other male is a veil tail, and even If I wanted to breed them he doesnt make bubble nests. I want to breed them before she gets rid of the eggs. And help from breeders?
first off you cant just release them yet. you have to feed then sepretly for 2 weeks and have the temp at 80. then when you see vertical stripes down the side of here you put her in a chiney vase in a 10g with 5 inches of water with no filtration, a submerged heater and with many plants for the female to hide.then if she takes a liking of the male and when he makes the bubble nest release her from the vase. the chasing can go on for up to 3 days so be patient see wha happens. or it might be that your female is just not ready yet. do a little more research and do some experimenting :D
I dont want to "experiment" with them because thats kinda mean and I dont want any to end up dead. I think Ill just wait 2 more weeks and see what happens. He did make a bubble nest though.
Where he builds his nest isn't your business. The side of the tank is a preferred area. I've never really seen a male just build one out in the center :blink:
but how do they get under it then? I did resurch, but it doesnt work. i think im giving up.
cut a styrofoam cup side longways and place it in there. usually he will build under it. and maybe your female and male dont like each other.
they seem to like eachother. They stare at eachother all the time.
Ummmm, sorry to bring this up, but weren't you just asking how to get your mom to let you have another tank for your goldfish? If you can't get a bigger tank for them can I ask what your spawning tank looks like and where do you plan to keep the fry and a million jars? :dunno:
I know, she doesnt mind the jars, just the tanks. It was in a 1 gallon, but no I read 10, so I dont think ill be breeding them.
wrs said:
I know, she doesnt mind the jars, just the tanks. It was in a 1 gallon, but no I read 10, so I dont think ill be breeding them.
That's very good of you to decide not to breed when you realize your conditions aren't right, a lot of people would just go on with it anyway. Good for you :thumbs:

Also, if she wouldn't let you have more tanks that would be a problem because you'd need 30-55 gallons for the growout tank. Too bad, maybe you'll get another chance in the future ;)
maybe. id really like to have breed these because of the tail type and color, but oh well, there are worrse things than not being able to breed bettas.
wrs said:
maybe. id really like to have breed these because of the tail type and color, but oh well, there are worrse things than not being able to breed bettas.
Hi wrs :)

You are very right. And, if you still want to breed them, there will be plenty of opportunity for you to do so in the years to come. :nod:

In the meanwhile, there are other fish you could breed that will still give you great satisfaction and yet require less in the line of specialized equipment and knowledge. For example, when your cory cats mature, you might be in for a pleasant surprise one morning. ;)
I hope so. My corries are so cute, it would be nice if they had babys. I did breed my guppy, 7 babies are still left. But two are midgets.

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