breeding platys

breeding platys is like breedin rabbits. put a male and feamale togeather, and in a month you will have fry :D (live fry not eggs)
I totally agree!!!!!! anyone want my pair?!!!! 5 months in a row of fry...I can almost predict the birth date too!!!!
lol ave just bort a pair of plattys and a pair of mollys 2 join ma 3 female guppeis and a male guppy, im going to have 5 females throwing fry everywere!!!! :D :D :D
roxie said:
I totally agree!!!!!! anyone want my pair?!!!! 5 months in a row of fry...I can almost predict the birth date too!!!!
No thanks hun. I'm quite hapy with my 8 females!

Thanks anyway!
Just got back from trading in 45 platys that grew from fry. Started with 3 platys a year ago, traded in 30 a few months back.

It helps to have a place for the fry to hide that the adults can't get to. I've never used a breeder trap, or taken the fry from the tank when they were young. If you make a good size pile of smaller rocks the fry can get in & out, while the adults can't fit. Works great.

You have to check in the rocks every day or two to make sure none of the adults have wedged themselves in there. They will try anything to get to the fry and eat them, and once in a while get stuck.

Your're lucky none of my lfs's will trade!! so I'm pretty much stuck. I have been asking everyone I know if they have a tank...I did manage do get rid of about 25 so far thru friends!!!
The stores near me are pretty good about it, as long as they are not chain stores. The closest one is a family owned shop that really cares about their fish and other animals. At $.50 each for trade on platys I'm not going to get rich, but I know they are going to a good place, and it paid for some flea medication for my dog.


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