Breeding Parrots

[email protected]

Jan 3, 2009
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can someone plz tell me if what i am thinking is correct. i have 3 parrot fish and 2 have seemed to have paired up. they seem to be digging behind the bog wood i have and also seem to be guarding it. is this the parrot fish trying to breed.

plz pm me.

That may be thinking of it yes and you may even get egg.

However almost all males are infertile as they are a cross breed. So the odd's of getting viable fry is 0 :(
How ever they will cross with several new world cichlids like convicts as it's only the males that are infertile.
they have layed about 50 to 60 eggs. very happy. i know with the males that they tend to be infertile but there is a slim chance that he could be fertile so fingers crossed. you never no. never say never
Various fish species have been crossbred over the years either as pure research or as a matter of routine for aquaculture purposes. In order for cross-breeding to succeed, parent fish have to be somewhat closely related.

Pet Supplies
well the baby parrot fish are now nearly about a inch long. guessing my male was fertile. think i have about 20 fry. glad i have homes for them to go to, thx everyone for posting
sorry but i dont know how to upload pics. all i have now is the parents. my friend how also breeds fish has taken them. the female is a BP and the male is yellow parrot with a couple of black sploges on him.
best way to upload pic is to set up an account on photobucket and then upload the pictures on to there and then copy the URL into the forum.
would love to see pics if you could get them up
i thought none of the eggs survived but as it goes, seen 2 babies today in the tank!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: woot woot!!!!
both loking fina, arent sure if there is more, i think therr were hiding in the plants!!!!!
i thought none of the eggs survived but as it goes, seen 2 babies today in the tank!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: :hyper: woot woot!!!!
both loking fina, arent sure if there is more, i think therr were hiding in the plants!!!!!

Any pictures of the parents? It may be that you have "Jellybean parrots" AKA short body pink convicts.

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