Breeding Panda Cories

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Careful when feeding frozen bloodworms: they often carry diseases.
David said:
Careful when feeding frozen bloodworms: they often carry diseases.
Really? Hmm.... That's not good! :huh: So far, they have been eating them well, and they all look very healthy, but still they are not responding to my spawning trigger efforts! I'm not gonna give up on this - it took some efforts for me to get harlequins to spawn. Looks like this one isn't going to be any easier... ;)
There's quite a bit of activities happening tonight - I see them together in a tight group moving fast, and I _think_ I am seeing lots of T positions amongst them...

I still don't see any eggs though although it is kind of hard to see through the java moss that I have in the tank...

Hopefully, they will spawn soon... ;)
I would say 81 degrees ais a bit warm for your Panda's, I think all cory's prefer water quite a bit cooler, 76 degrees would more to their liking.

All the Panda's I've ever bred have also been avid egg eaters, so you either have to be quick and remove the parents or remove the eggs from the tank. :shifty:
RobertK said:
I would say 81 degrees ais a bit warm for your Panda's, I think all cory's prefer water quite a bit cooler, 76 degrees would more to their liking.

All the Panda's I've ever bred have also been avid egg eaters, so you either have to be quick and remove the parents or remove the eggs from the tank. :shifty:
Thanks for the suggestions....

I will remove the eggs if I see them but I can't see any... :lol: It appears that they are doing the usual T-position and they look super healthy. Hopefully they are not one of those super efficient egg eaters...
Grrrr.... Its been a while since I've been feeding them live food and cold water changes every two days or so.

This is insane. I see two fat ones and two smaller ones so I assume I have two males and two females. I see this T-position all the time, yet I don't see any eggs. Sometimes, they really dig into the java moss which I have placed in the middle of the tank. Could they be eating the eggs they have laid?

They become active every night up and down the tank.

There must be something I can do to improve the outcome! Driving me nuts! B)
yhbae said:
David said:
Careful when feeding frozen bloodworms: they often carry diseases.
Really? Hmm.... That's not good! :huh: So far, they have been eating them well, and they all look very healthy, but still they are not responding to my spawning trigger efforts! I'm not gonna give up on this - it took some efforts for me to get harlequins to spawn. Looks like this one isn't going to be any easier... ;)
This shoudl not be a problem, however if you use the hikari brand of frozen BW, as these are cleaned extra well and are guaranteed disease-free.
Alright guys... Its been 40 days since I setup this tank, and I've been feeding combination of frozen blood worms, hatched brine shrimps and new life spectrum pelletes. I've changed to cold water every two days since the tank has been setup. So far, I get absolutely nothing - nada, zip!

Officially, this is the most time I have ever spent in trying to trigger a spawn on any species... :lol:

So what am I doing wrong? I see them acting lively every day, I see that T position every day. Perhaps they are eating eggs? I placed java moss in the middle of the tank, hoping to catch some eggs uneaten (if they indeed eat them), but by now, I should have seen at least ONE egg if they did spawn.

Right now, I have a group of fat panda cories that refuse to play like a grown up! :lol:

I'm gonna pack up, and put them back into the main tank, and move on to the next species in few days. (It is now almost annoying to see them so live and happy in that tank - they are doing it again as I type this message!!! :p )

Inchworm, I give up. HELP!!! :lol:
Hi yhbae :)

I had a lot of trouble getting mine to spawn too. To date I've spawned 5 different kinds of corys and these are by far the hardest. It wasn't until I stopped trying to get them to spawn that they really made up their minds to do it. Now they regularly produce small quantities of eggs and a good number of them hatch.

The do seem to want to hide their eggs and I believe they still frequently eat some of them. I keep 2 or 3 of the flat metal thermometers hanging on the front of the tank and they like to squeeze in between them and the glass to deposit their eggs. Sometimes they miss and put them on the glass, and these usually get eaten before I find them.

Normally, if you see them in the T position, the female will be holding eggs in her ventral fins which she will then immediately deposit on a surface somewhere. If they are actually spawning you should be able to see where she is putting them. Mine usually spawn in the morning.

I now keep them as a small community in a 10 gallon tank and give them twice a week water changes. I don't usually do anything special except keep their diet high in blackworms. When I find eggs I put them into whichever of the tanks has the youngest fry and raise them together until the bigger fry outgrow them too much.

The only thing I can think of is that these seem to be delicate and sensitive compared to the other corys and we may have stressed them too much with the cold water and fussing about. Why not try letting them stay in that tank for a while and just waiting to see what happens? :unsure:
Yeah... I think I will stop trying to force them to spawn - if I am lucky, they might spawn for me in the future. I think they are better off in my community tank where parameters are more stable...

It isn't like I am going to run out of species to breed, so no big deal... :lol:

So, one of my dream is gone - having a large school of panda cories... ;) Can I replace that with a "school" of bristlenose fries? Nahhh I guess not... ;)

Thanks for the feedback! ;)
Yhbae i wish i had your patience in spawning fish but as i breed i will get there :lol: i love your post and keep telling us they are very imformative ........everytime u make a log/post like this it makes me want to get a couple of thos fish !! :p good luck !
willywonka099 said:
Yhbae i wish i had your patience in spawning fish but as i breed i will get there :lol: i love your post and keep telling us they are very imformative ........everytime u make a log/post like this it makes me want to get a couple of thos fish !! :p good luck !
Thanks for your kindly words... ;)

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