Breeding net in a small tank


New Member
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Staines, nr London
At least one of my guppies is pregnant, and I want to try and keep some of the fry, but the breeding net I have will take up a lot of space in my tank, it is only 20 litres (I don't know how much that is in gallons) will this stress out my other fish because there won't be so much room? :fish:
In this 20 litre tank how many fish do you have, if its all the ones in your signature thenI'm sure you must be heavily overstocked!! I would not put the breeding net in, keep up the regular water changes and wait till you buy the larger tank you mention.
Well Im with the other guys, I have a 160L (3 foot) tank and I wouldnt have much more than what youve got in your 20L tank

I have

2 small Angels
3 Sword Tails
4 Neon Tetras
2 Guppies
2 Bala Sharks

And its a cosy environment

Firstly get a bucket or another tank if you can afford it and put her in there, and I would consider moving your fish into a larger tank pretty quickly

Absolutely if all those fish are in that small tank less than 10g then woahhh its heavily over crouded. You desperately need a bigger tank. But for now like will said change water and add net. ;)

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