Breeding Neons?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2007
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Liverpool, England
ermm.. what do neons do when they're 'courting' or pairing up?
cos i don't know if they're pairing up, playing or just trying to kill each other.
male neons have a straight blue line, females have a kink half way along their blue line. A male and female will swim side by side into the plants and shake next to each other for a few seconds. Then they swim out and rejoin the group.
Males will spar with each other. They swim side by side with their fins up trying to look better than each other. They won't do any damage.
i'm not worried, just intrigued :)
mine have been swimming side by side and then sort of leaping over each other and circling and stuff.
does it sound more like sparring?
I think they just sort of 'dance'.

I do know that Tetras don't 'pair up' though.

How many do you have? This might be the cause if they are agitated.
sounds like sparring but have a look at the blue line and see if it is 2 males or a male and female.
i think it's a female :S

the line's sort of that shaped.


it's chasing most of the neons around now.
The neons I had used to dart side by side ( a bit like zig zagging up and down, then they would go into a plant and 'shimmy' next to each other and she would release her eggs :hyper: ....................then a black phantom would come along and gobble them all up. GIT! :angry:
Don't count on getting neon babies :unsure: . My neons have spawned many times, basically what happens is the male rubs the female very quickly and the female will deposit tens of eggs on top of a dense growth of plants. Then the neons turn around and eat a couple of their own eggs while the rest drop to the bottom. Unfortunately the eggs that do make it to the bottom are photosensitive and will die when exposed to light. So unless your neons are in an aquarium with no light, just consider the eggs as a treat for the other inhabitants in the tank.

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