Breeding Mandarin's


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2005
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I have had a big plump female for around 3-4months now.
I today decided to give it a male friend.
I didnt buy him for breeding purpose, he just looks stunning and comes out alot more than the female.
But now that i have the chance, has anyone had experience with breeding this colourful guys?
Any Info would be great.
Might have to go to a larger forum with more members like to find someone with specific experience breeding mandarins, good luck!
just whilst we are on a "breeding" topic.......

....why do we not hear too much about breeding, eggs, fry etc from within the marine section (i am only a tropical freshwater bod at the moment but would love to move over to marine!)

Is there any reason why marine breeding is so difficult?

yes - it is very hard to replicate the breeding behaviour of most marine fish in captivity.

even in the biggest public aquaria the conditions can'be properly met.

a few marines can be bred in captivity - these include clownfish, cardinals and seahorses

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