Breeding Jack Dempseys

This is mine:

I've just separated the acaras from the rest of the tank with a sheet of perspex so hopefully when they put the wigglers in a pit the ropefish won't get to them. they'll hatch tonight so ill just have to wait and see what happens in the morning. hopefully they might be ok this time :hyper:
This is exciting. Good luck. All beautiful fish.
Well I was watching the babies this morning and it seems as if we have one determined little guy. He's getting about 2 seconds of air time before crashing back into the pit, and there are quite a few that have wiggled away from the pit. I don't suspect that it will be long before they are swimming by their parents side.
Unfortunately my Dempsey eggs didn't last the night. But since I separated the acara eggs they've lasted the longest so far :) hopefully they'll last a bit longer too. I think the next time the dempseys spawn I'll separate them straight away
My best advice to you is to have your breeding pair in their own tanks. THe reason my first spawn didn't survive is because the JD's had oscars as tankmates. If anything spooks momma jd, she will eat the eggs, and/or wrigglers. I have 2 known breeding pairs, and both have their own separate tank.
Well I was watching the babies this morning and it seems as if we have one determined little guy. He's getting about 2 seconds of air time before crashing back into the pit, and there are quite a few that have wiggled away from the pit. I don't suspect that it will be long before they are swimming by their parents side.

I feel some breaststroke coming on......wrigglers should start swimming soon too!
Ooh, Matron!
Can't wait to see these swimming around, also your green sev is looking great!

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