great any chance of some pics
oh well mayb when they get a bit bigger
Congratulations on doing so well These gorgeous little fishies need all the help they can get & it sounds as though you've done a brilliant job.
Breeding the Galaxy Rasbora is something I would like to do in the near future, but I can never find any. Will you be selling on any of your babies?
Hi very interesting read, the celestial pearl danio is a beautiful fish. My experience so far is that I bought 30 eggs on eBay from a very helpful guy. I put them in a 12 litre tank with no gravel, sand or plants, just an air driven sponge filter, they hatched after 3 days and as advised fed them every 3 hours with 2 drops of liquifry no 1 as they grew I started feeding banana worms and liquifry no 3 , siphoning off uneaten food every couple of days and topping up with mature water. I now have about 26 of them doing well at 11 weeks old I have spread groups of them over 3 fifty litre tanks. Their spots are easily seen and they are colouring up a bit, no colour on their fins yet. Hopefully they will mature in the next couple of weeks, I hope to breed some more.Josh, don't worry, the fish will look like Galaxy's when I bring them down next month!
LOL good good i cant wait
tank is coming along nicely with the shrimp so it is going to be great!!
and yes i agree with curiousity we need pics!!!