Breeding Galaxy Rasboras/celestial Pearl Danio's

great any chance of some pics

I tried, they're still far too small to get a decent pic off my phone. I'll have to borrow a half decent SLR to get any useful shots i'm afraid.
Nice one man I've hand some accidental breedings when I had mine in a smaller tank but since I wasnt feeding the fry specifically they probably died. I too was surprised at how large they were. Bigger than zebra danio fry anyway.

Good luck man.
Quick update on my galaxy's progress.

After hatching just over four weeks ago, the fish have been relatively easy to feed, being quickly able to take Hikari first bites which has fed them well till a week or so ago when I put them onto tetra min baby powder which is a bit bigger. I had a mini crisis the other day when I noticed the air pump wasn't functioning properly, and so the filter wasn't running much if at all. I managed with a water change in the morning, and the evening when I replaced the air pump and got the filter going again. No apparent casualties from that, I think I got off likely, although these appear to be quite hardy fish. The most important bit of news is they are starting to colour up now. The larger ones have just started to get the red stripes on their dorsal and caudal fins.

Josh, don't worry, the fish will look like Galaxy's when I bring them down next month!

I guess for a first attempt at breeding them that wasn't bad, I've had very few casualties and all the fish appear healthy. I'm just wondering now if it's possible to scale the operation up and increase my output. Space and time permitting of course.
Hiya, Just wanted to say congratulations and really well done. Easy or not these are extremely pretty little community fish that I believe are now endangered in the wild...due to no fault of their own :(

So yeah, good on you! I personally would love some (though don't have the space now), and back when I did have space I held off due to the fact most for sale are still wild caught.

Really though we do need some pictures!
Congratulations on doing so well :good: These gorgeous little fishies need all the help they can get & it sounds as though you've done a brilliant job.

Breeding the Galaxy Rasbora is something I would like to do in the near future, but I can never find any. Will you be selling on any of your babies?
Congratulations on doing so well :good: These gorgeous little fishies need all the help they can get & it sounds as though you've done a brilliant job.

Breeding the Galaxy Rasbora is something I would like to do in the near future, but I can never find any. Will you be selling on any of your babies?

I do intend to sell what I have left after I increase the number in my main tank and a few are already spoken for. I'll probably have a few left off this batch and will almost certainly be trying again once these are grown up and the ones I don't want moved on. Where are you based as I'm not prepared to post fish? Bear tin mind though that these are all bred from the same parents, so you may still want to get a couple from somewhere else to make sure you get a decent genetic mix.
Josh, don't worry, the fish will look like Galaxy's when I bring them down next month!

LOL good good i cant wait
tank is coming along nicely with the shrimp so it is going to be great!!

and yes i agree with curiousity we need pics!!! :shout:
Josh, don't worry, the fish will look like Galaxy's when I bring them down next month!

LOL good good i cant wait
tank is coming along nicely with the shrimp so it is going to be great!!

and yes i agree with curiousity we need pics!!! :shout:
Hi very interesting read, the celestial pearl danio is a beautiful fish. My experience so far is that I bought 30 eggs on eBay from a very helpful guy. I put them in a 12 litre tank with no gravel, sand or plants, just an air driven sponge filter, they hatched after 3 days and as advised fed them every 3 hours with 2 drops of liquifry no 1 as they grew I started feeding banana worms and liquifry no 3 , siphoning off uneaten food every couple of days and topping up with mature water. I now have about 26 of them doing well at 11 weeks old I have spread groups of them over 3 fifty litre tanks. Their spots are easily seen and they are colouring up a bit, no colour on their fins yet. Hopefully they will mature in the next couple of weeks, I hope to breed some more.
Above my hatching tank set up 12 litres. The CPD fry at the first free swimming stage, then as now at 11 weeks. I know people have been sending killifish eggs by post for years, is this fairly new? I bought these CPD eggs and they came by post, hatched around 72 hours later. I think most fish eggs could be sent by post if the service is quick enough and what a great way to buy fish. No stress for the fish and you get to raise them.

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