breeding fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I am going to get a 20 gallon long tank for $80. I am going to use it for breeding but I do not know what fish I should breed. Can someone give me reccomindations on what would be fun? I will be giving them to a fish store near here. So what types do you think i should breed?
20 gall for $80?!

Errr... as for breeding, it depends what you are interested in really.

So, what sort of fish do you like? What do you have experience with? etc

It is at petsmart. It comes with everything except gravel, sand, and the fish. I have a community tank right now but I figure I can look online for help. What type of fish do you breed? Can dinoasour eels breed in a 20 gallon?
I doubt any eels can live in a 20gall.

I imagine you could get a bigger and better tank for your money if you looked around more.

I have breeding kribs and chromidotilapia finleyi (of their own accord). I am not really into breeding fish.

What's in your community? Anything you'd like to breed in there?
I have a pair of blue gouramis possibly but they seem kind of easy and would like to get something I do not have. I would get a bigger tank if I could but doubt my parents would let me. Im lucky to get the 20 as it is but will try. I do have a limited budget but what size do you think I can get for a 80$
As Cheese Specialist said, a lot depends on what you have done before and what you like; however, for a generic opinion:

Livebearers (guppies, plats, swords, etc.) are typically easy to breed and fairly self-sufficient in the beginning- but is great experience for caring for fry.

Egg-layers can be fairly easy but often require some set-up of providing the right conditions and "nesting" surfaces. The fry are, typically, smaller and more fragile, hence requiring a bit more care on your part-- there are, of course, notable exceptions.

For the mating ritual, personally, I love the bettas. The nesting, mating, and final egg/fry care by the male is amazing. The initial trials and tribulations are much greater though- getting the pair together, separating after the ritual, etc. Too, overfeeding, fungus, etc. can wipe out the batch in a heartbeat.

Cichlids, especially mouth brooders, can also be great but may require a bit of set-up and after care.

I like all types - a lot depends on how much time I have to do the set-up, monitoring, and follow-up care. Good luck.
Cheese, I want to go second hand but again, my dad. He is making this very difficult on me.. Grrrrr. What cichlids could go ina 20 gallon? I have been looking around and this is sadly the best price.
mrcrabbs said:
Cheese, I want to go second hand but again, my dad. He is making this very difficult on me.. Grrrrr. What cichlids could go ina 20 gallon? I have been looking around and this is sadly the best price.
Hmmmm rams maybe but I know they are sensitive. Kribs perhaps although it did not work out too great for me in that size of tank.
i say you take the 20G back get 2 10G with sections and breed betas

the prices would be like this

2-10G 30$ with sections
1-heater 15$
fish (betas, 2, male female)-20$ (buy some nice ones and sell the babys to your ifs)
gravel for living tank-10$

you would have to give some away if you wanted to keep them though

(unless you get alot of jars)

and the whole thing is... 117$ saying the plants are 15$

but remember you will sell them and then you MAKE money :rolleyes:
I bought an aquarium book over the weekend that has a section on breeding. :) I'm new to breeding as well and interested in learning more.

The one point they did mention, which made sense to me, is think about what you're going to do with the Fry in the long run. If you're going to sell them back to a fish store, or adopt them out - you're best bet is to go with something that is in high demand.

Taking that and your tank size into consideration, a good choice might be something easy to breed, small and popular - I'd say Mollies and/or Guppies would be a good fit.
What about CORYDORAS!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Some people here SWARE by them being little horn-dogs..........Okay, I mean to say......that they spawn like mad..... :dunno:

They are such cool little guys too......

You could try them and some of both worlds!! :nod: :flex:
Have not bought anything yet. The 10 gallon at petsmart is 50$ with everything and with everything 80$ for the 20. I have a stand for it and it should be fine. Mollies and guppies, are they in demand? I thought they could be gotten easy? And would not get much for them. What fish is in demand. That is what I would be wanting.
Well Bettas are ALWAYS popular, but they require special breeding habitats.

As far as Mollies / Bettas...they're always quite popular in my area and for a single Fance Male Guppy, you can pretty much figure on spending between $3-$5. Though, there is one FS that I like quite a bit, for $6 you get a pair.
Blue gouramis. I have 2 of them right now. How hard are they to breed? This is the first time I have ever breed fish so I could try with something I already have and cheep and then get some experience from that and move on to more challenging fish. What do I need to breed blue gouramis?

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