Breeding Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2009
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G-day mates, just would like to know what tropical fish are horn bags?? i want to just breed some fish i all ready have some basic fish, but are there any fish that really have alot of babies
livebearers haha
any molly, guppy, platy, swordtail or endlers
they are practically always pregnant lol

What do you plan to do with the offspring? That is really the question.

Livebearers are the easiest. However, they're easy to the point that they can overpopulate a tank and are hard to get rid of (everybody has livebearer fry). You can have a batch every month from each female so their populations grow VERY fast.

Convict Cichlids are also easy, but they're also hard to get rid of.
well i was just after 2 fish n 4 them to have a baby or 2 just to keep in the tank?
It's me again, Buddy! Can't get rid of me today can you? LOL :lol:

My advice would be to put aside thoughts of rearing any fry until you have got your tank 100% sorted out. Fish don't usually produce well in bad water conditions anyway. Let's get your tank nice and pristine, then you can consider your idea of breeding fish.

As previous poster has said - livebearers and cichlids will produce fry easily enough and very regularly. And those cute little fry grow very quickly into adult fish, who will then also reproduce. So you have to be sure that your tank would not be overstocked with "X" amount of extra adult fish around LOL.

I always enjoy my fry drops but I have room to house them. Once they are big enough, they are sold to the LFS or donated to my fish club. The few that I decide to keep are used to fill up my tanks. If I don't want fry at a particular time, I leave the female in a tank with poor fry cover. My molly in my 120 gallon community tank had a fry drop every 6 weeks for over 6 months with no surviving fry. I separated her into a 10 gallon with a little cover for a few weeks and when she delivered her next batch of fry I got about 30 to 35 fry, who can count them all. Here is a picture of her with some of the fry after 4 weeks.


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