Breeding Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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Hey, i have decided that i want to start breeding fish. I want to breed ither Platy's or Mollies...which would be better and easier?

I love both kinds of fish, but prefer mollies but if platys are easier then i will go with them.

Also i was wondering if i was to get mollies to breed would i have to put salt into the water? as i have heard that mollies like a bit of salt.

Ta ta...
Both mollies and platys breed every 4-6 weeks and are just as easy as each other...

You want 1 male to every 2-3 females.

If you want to save all the fry a breeding trap would come in handy as well.

Also some fry food (i use mashed up flake for livebearer fry)

If you keep just mollies the salt would help them a bit yes, i add 1 rounded tablespoon for every 19ltrs. (api Aquarium salt)
From experience, platies are easier to breed. Mollies are also quite easy. Have you considered guppies? They are the easiest.

If you breed platies, they can also breed with swordtails to produce nice variations.

A small amount of salt would help mollies but is not essential. They can breed well in a tank without salt.

Why not have a mixture of platies and mollies?

Hope this helps.
thanks, and thomas i have thought of getting both but wasnt sure if i could put both in a 57litre tank for them to breed in..?
and i am also ither getting a breeding net or another fish tank to put the fry in when then are born so that they dont get harmed and cared for better.

also what type of breeding net is best? as i have looked at them and there are many different ones..
Yeah, 57L is fine for around two or three of each. This will leave some room for their young.

I use the plastic breeding traps. I don't put the mother in though - I allow her to have the fry in the main tank and collect them after. If you are going to do this, have lots of plants for the fry to hide in.

It might be an idea to get a smaller tank too - around 15L or so as a fry tank. You could also put the mothers in it when they are ready to drop to make life easier for yourself.
ok thanks thats a great help. also if i was to breed mollies how would i do about stopping them eating the fry when breeding as i have heard and read that they tend to eat there fry.
Yeah, all livebearers eat their fry. Here's what to do.

- Create hiding places for the fry. Use plants, rocks, ornaments - anything you can get your hands on.
- Don't over-stock your tank. I would put about two mollies and two platies in your tank. More fish means more mouths to eat the fry!
- Have another tank or breeding trap ready. I don't put the mother in the trap - I collect the fry from the main tank after birth. This means that the mother doesn't become stressed.
- Keep watch! Make sure you know what fry look like. They are very small, so keep an eye out. Try to predict when your fish will give birth so you know when to look. Most livebearers have a gestation period of about a month (give or take a few days). You will know when the female is pregnant because her belly will grow enormously and you might be able to see the 'gravid spot' just behind her anal fins. She's ready to give birth when she looks as if she will burst - that's the best way to explain it.

You can feed the fry baby brine shrimp for the first few weeks but if this isn't an option, finely crushed flake food will do just fine.

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