Breeding Emerald Eye Rasbora


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Hi does anyone have any tips on breeding emerald eye rasboras? I am almost sure I have male and females, as I have some larger and smaller and I am basing this on the differences between my male and female glowlights!!!! I would be grateful for any tips that may help me to breed these fish
what do you mean by emerald eye rasbora?
do you mean Rasbora dorsiocellata or something different?
Hmm, can I ask the same question with another rasbora?

Mine are almost certainly Rasbora borapetensis (Red-tail Rasboras aka Black-Line Rasboras, sold by the lfs as "Brilliant Rasbora" which they are not). Accordingly to a faq link below

sexing and breeding is difficult. Sexing actually does not appear difficult, they seem to have the same shape variations as, for example, danios: bigger "chests" ought to indicate females. Breeding I have no idea about---I had mine nine for more than a year, and they do not ever exhibit anything like sexual behavior.

While we on the subj:
Notice that the faq above gives their size as 3in, while the size list on this forum,
lists them as
4cm/1.6" Blackline rasbora Rasbora borapetensis

The bigger ones of the nine I have are larger than 1.6" (close to 2"), so at least the faq here is slightly wrong, but I don't believe that 3" is possible either.

(The other faq linked has one more error: is nearly always in motion is untrue.)
What about their lifespan? How long are bora bora rasbora expected to live?
What about their lifespan? How long are bora bora rasbora expected to live?

I'm curious myself, there is nothing on the web (but then this is not a very exciting fish, so perhaps most don't care). When I bought them (fully grown) in Sep of 2004, lfs said 2 years. I lost one of the original ten due to what might have been an old age disease, but the rest are doing fine. I suspect that the answer is about 6-7 years.
I have some blackline rasboras and the largest is approaching 2.5", so I do belive that 3" is possible.
my research of some Japanese sites suggested that 10years is possible for this species of rasbora.
as for breeding I havn't attempted it properly, although they did spawn one morning, quickly persued by the danios eating the caviar :lol:
Very interesting, thanks!

Maybe it is worth fixing your size list then, it still says 1.6".

(OT: My interest in breeding is mostly because I realized that I have no experience with it, and even if the khuli experiment succeeds, I'll probably screw up with handling eggs. So I perhaps should try with some simpler fish first, and rasboras is the only choice: the two breedable species I have, of danios and barbs, are not fully grown yet.)

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