Breeding Convicts


New Member
Jan 22, 2012
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Hi there
after all my tetras dying off from experimenting to get them to breed and no longer having any interest in them i decided i would try my convicts out.

Now i have read conflicting information on breeding these guys so i have a few questions im hoping someone can clear up for me

1. i have read add male and female and water = babies but also read that u need to have them pair up..what one is true and if both do they have high success?

2. i at present have 3 in a tank should i remove 1 or will they be ok together?

3. what temp should the tank be set to ?

4. i only made a small rock cave just to test out breeding and raising them will this be ok? i look at the cave and if they have to turn upside down will the bigger fish fit under it...
any help would be good i have been trying with different fish to get them to breed for over 4 years now and never had any sucess so before i trial this one i will get advice first...
Hi. What size is the tank? Do you have any other fish in there with them?
If i was you i would remove one as are very agressive especially at breeding time and might kill or hurt each other :crazy:
30 liters isn't gonna cut it. these fish are pretty big and nasty, fully grown the females are a chunky 4 inches and the males are 6 and up. a 30" long tank is minimum. If you do manage to breed them, chances are the parents may kill each other trying to protect the fry. Convicts have a tendency to turn on each other, and sometimes the male will pick on the female to try and get another breeding session in before the babies are even grown, and that can lead to the female dying if she has no place to go, and she has no place to go in such a tiny tank.

I've tried getting convicts to pair, but my female always ended up battering the male til near death, even when I tried doing it in my 75 gallon tank. It's not always as easy as people think.
In that 30L I would advise to breed something more like rams, easy to breed with a brilliant outcome

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