breeding chart for cockatoos


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2005
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could some one help he with the rough breeding chart for dwarf cockatoos like:

day 1=eggs are laid
day 3= eggs hatch
day 4= free swimming

but with the correct dates so i know about how many days r in between stages.

what could i put in the 30 besides them then i was thinking guppies? caue the tank would be boring with just them in there but if they have to be alone i understand " even dad" does that meen i have to take him out?
Neons would LOVE to have the fry.

I recomend a Half Beak wich stays at the top :nod:
Otherwise, nothing

I have spoken to someone whose male (who kept all of the other fish away) saw one of his own fry come swimming too close, and GULP, in the mouth it went. I didn't mean that would always happen, just that it could. WHy do you want to breed your cockatoos? Just to see if you can (perfectly good reason). Most breeders will have a tank with only the cockatoos in them....some have pairs, others have trios or harems. The female and her fry will generally stay in the lower areas of the tank, so you will want a fish that doesn't.

IMO, the best part of a female with fry is watching her parade them around looking for food. She even makes sure that she rounds up the strays. You will be more likely to see this behavior if there aren't any "threats" in the tank.
ya i got a troi and the ferthest i got was wiggler but i didnt know so when i flip over the pot for a cleaning they went every where :*) havnt had any luck since just eggs a lot of eggs
I think that MH meant target fish, which are fish intentionally put into a tank to keep a pair of cichlids (Just an example) from tearing eachother apart. Dithers are used to get timid fish feeling comfortable enough to swim around instead of hiding.

If your pair is getting along well, don't bother with targets, because adding more fish into a breeding tank will ultimately end in less (or none) of the fry reaching maturity ;)

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