Breeding Bettas - What I Wrote

Rearing fry is actually the easiest part it seems. :lol: My problem is the constant worrying during the conditioning that the bettas will never get eggs. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Have you spawned yet and if so do you have your live food cultures set up?
Rearing fry is actually the easiest part it seems. :lol: My problem is the constant worrying during the conditioning that the bettas will never get eggs. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Have you spawned yet and if so do you have your live food cultures set up?

right now it seems that i am worrying about the rearing... lol
yes i have spawned them, but im trying to research a lot on the fry b/c they all died... i dont know exactly how but they did. that was two years ago...
now i do not have any bettas but i am getting their supplies soon and then getting probably just a couple and then keep them for a while and breed them.. maybe i can find a crowntail at petland... lol... im not spending 30-50 $ on a fish.... not yet. i want to get the breeding down first.. lol. and if i am successful at it maybe get some good breeding fish...

so i do not have anything right now except for a 10 gallon tank and a 5 gallon tank.... i use to have all kinds of stuff but it got thrown away :angry: . and so i got to get new stuff.
but i have also read up on microworms and babybrine shrimp. which i will probably use those.
so i can get my stuff next week so hopefully i can get bettas perty soon. :hyper:
Yay! What colors do you plan on getting? The only females around here are veiltails :angry: I had to go a long way to get mine, but they're plakats, tehee.
Yay! What colors do you plan on getting? The only females around here are veiltails :angry: I had to go a long way to get mine, but they're plakats, tehee.

are the female veil tails just the females with the rounded tail? b/c i see a lot of those on females.
i dont know what color i am getting.
If i get a crowntail male it would probably be like blue or red b/c that is mostly what they have at petland...
and so i will see at the store and pick a crowntail out.
ok now you dont need a filter its entirely optional and i think its a pain in the butt personally.....

conditioning period should be 2 weeks minimum not 1 and this involves feeding live food (a tiny bit more than usual) / cleaner water than usual / 5 min sun bathe per day and 5 min flaring with a male over 2 weeks

believe it or not the conditioning stage is extremely important most spawns fail becoz they werent conditioned or prepared correctly, if you put in the work during conditioning phase then the rest will fall into place.. if you dont you will almost certainly run into problems later

about when to take the male out, it depends on what quality bettas you have, if its pet shop standard i would suggest taking him out after free swimming fry (unless hes a tried and proven father) / if you know for sure you have high quality fish that have been line bred or inbred at least to 1 generation there is no harm in leaving him in for the frys first 2 weeks...

thats not to say a pet shop betta wouldnt work leaving him in for 2 weeks or that a high quality betta wont become an egg eater after 5 days.. every betta is different
ok now you dont need a filter its entirely optional and i think its a pain in the butt personally.....

conditioning period should be 2 weeks minimum not 1 and this involves feeding live food (a tiny bit more than usual) / cleaner water than usual / 5 min sun bathe per day and 5 min flaring with a male over 2 weeks

believe it or not the conditioning stage is extremely important most spawns fail becoz they werent conditioned or prepared correctly, if you put in the work during conditioning phase then the rest will fall into place.. if you dont you will almost certainly run into problems later

about when to take the male out, it depends on what quality bettas you have, if its pet shop standard i would suggest taking him out after free swimming fry (unless hes a tried and proven father) / if you know for sure you have high quality fish that have been line bred or inbred at least to 1 generation there is no harm in leaving him in for the frys first 2 weeks...

thats not to say a pet shop betta wouldnt work leaving him in for 2 weeks or that a high quality betta wont become an egg eater after 5 days.. every betta is different

Yes i do know that the conditioning period should be two weeks... ive just read that some people do it for one and others two.
So i would do the two week conditioning.

i asked this a couple relpies above...
are the female veil tails just the females with the rounded tail? b/c i see a lot of those on females..
If you don't take risks, how can you survive in real life?


Why risk anything? For the rewards of course.

Ive proven it to myself many times now that leaving the father with the fry always result in healtier faster growing fry. And alot(most) expericanced breeders will say the same thing.

Just lately i spawned my copper dt pks and 2 weeks later i spawned them again. The first batch i separated and kept only 30 fry, i kept 30 fry from the second spawn but i left the father in with them where he still is. The first batch is 1 month now and the second batch is 2 weeks. The second batch is now the same size as the first batch! Both spawns are in 30 gallon tanks and both spawn are fed the same amount of food and water changes.

It is definatly worth it to leave the father in if possible.

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