Breeding Bettas Supply List

you can go to wall mart of what ever and buy a large plastic bins for breeding cheaper then tanks and they work better because they wont get distracted by seeing any thing outside of the tank. a heater or you could just heat that one room up to 80 degree with a few reptile heating lamps. plus plastic bins hold more heat and the the most important part is the nutrition I found. try a beef heart mix live baby brine shrimp and baby vinegar eels. 
ok thanks for the advice yea ive bought plenty of plastic bins for my guppies and i see if i have some extra ones.
Another helpful tip: Get your additional bettas from a breeder. It's ever so much easier to breed young, healthy 3 month old bettas than it is to breed decrepit, travel-worn shop bettas. Blackwater Bettas on facebook have some drop dead gorgeous bettas for sale. :)
i also think thats a good idea but i kinda wanted to get a pair myself go through that experience.
Well I am collecting everything I need for my Fish room. 
1. Space heater oil filled is best. I live where it is cold. 
2. Spawning tank/container 5gal- 10gal
3. Sponge filter for the Grow up tank
4. Grow out tank 20gal or larger
5. Food live BBS is the best. Other live food are good. Vinager ells. but BBS are the best. 
6. Buckets for water changes
7. turkey baster ( great for cleaning up fry tanks. and catching Fry.)
8. Aquarium vacuum 
9. water Jugs for aged water if you want.
10. Jars 32oz is the smallest. A gallon for the prized fish. If you have room for 40 or 50 1gal jars do it. But due to lack of space most breeders in the USA use 32oz deli cups of beanie babies containers.
11. nets for catching fish when they are larger.
12. Flash light ( use to see if you sucked up fry during WC. )

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