Breeding Betta Pairs


Fish Addict
Jul 16, 2011
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ok so i have been wondering: when you are breeding and the nest has been made and then the pair does not work and you wan to switch the females, how long to you have to wait to do that? can you switch them within a minute or do you have to wait a few days? what about switching a male?

*p.s the microworms are doing good! :good:
its always handy to have an additional male and female ready conditioned just incase this happens, personally, I remove the female if she is not interested and add the new 1 the next day
ok and what if i want to switch the males? and all of the breeding pairs (getting last female tomorrow) are conditioned.
if swapping males pull the female out, leave the male alone for a day or 2 then add the chosen female in the chimney :)
If you are breeding a pair of bettas and things do not work out, take a step back and decide what you really want to do. I suspect that a receptive female could be introduced in almost no time with great success, but if you have taken the time to ensure the desired genetic match, never settle for anything less just because your "wrong color" female happens to be receptive. Breeding a betta should lead to a good genetic result, not some random chance breeding of fish that happen to be receptive at the same time. We call that kind of breeding results culls in most situations. Who wants to breed nothing but culls?
i would never cull any of my fry- even if it mean in the end i am taking care of 200 bettas. and when i choose the parents, i try to get the most eye appealing ones. :thumbs:

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