Breeding Banjo Cats


Fish Crazy
Mar 25, 2006
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I was just reading up on my Banjo Catfish, and it said they breed like cories, yet they protect their young. I guess I dont have any cories and dont know how they breed (or if its easy) just wonderin if anyone here has successfully bred and Banjo Cats, and how many offspring to expect if I were to. Unfortunatly its harder to sex them... it just said that females are larger and plumper... I would guesstimate that mine is about 5 inches long... max I believe is 6 inches.
I kept these lovely fish, but never found any documented reports of breeding in captivity - this is odd indeed which would indicate they just do not breed in normal standard home aquaria.

In the wild they are said to breed in large groups of several males & females laying thousands of eggs.
Thanks for that information.. I figured it wouldnt be easy, or even possible to breed in captivity. Im having a hard time finding any LFS that sells them anymore.. I got mine from my LFS, but they werent really a popular fish, so im sure they wont be ordering anymore in the near future.
Can't understand why they're not popular ! They're such lovely fish. My shops often sells them.
We live in a smaller town... most people usually buy are guppies and goldfish lol... I really like them, I think they are unique, and fun to watch at night. I think its funny cuz you'll see them float around in the day to wherever they land is where it stays. Mine doesnt really hide out in any of the caves I have in there... it just stays in the open.

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