Breeding Angel Fish Gasping!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
Essex, england
Hi I have two angel fish that have been breeding recently I am on my 3rd successful batch of fry now. 2 days ago I noticed that the male angel was gasping, rapid gill movements and that his left pectoral fin was limp, barely being used and slightly red in the crease but nowhere else. He has no other problems all fins are erect etc. I decided it could be flukes or an infection, so decided to treat him, in isolation with methylene blue.
When I moved him into this tank at first he could not stay upright but after a few minutes recovered. His now on day 3, to be honest there is no change his upright but not eating and still gasping. I have added an airstone.
I had a corydoras die 2 months bank who was also gasping but unlike him the angel still appears robust (his a big fella) whereas the cory looked wasted away before dying.
Please help me save my breeding angel!!!!!

All water tests of the main tank are good. no ammonia, nitrite, minimal nitrate, Ph is good also.
What should I do, I was considering switching treatments but that will take time and I doubt he will last that long. Could it be an internal infection? Or injury?
Please help!
I can see over 60 people have viewed this and can really do with some advice.
quick update. The affected Angel is still alive but no improvement. I have done a course of treatment for flukes and no change, I have changed the water and put carbon in to remove the medication as after several days nothing I have started a treatment on antibacterial but still no change. One of his pectoral fins is still limp and downward facing and his breathing is gasping.
I have notice my main tank has hair algae which I have now decided to treat, does this ever cause these problems in fish?
Any advice or ideas welcome please.
Another update the Angel in the main tank has small black dots on her gills, millimetre each 10 that I can count she is occasionally showing signs of irritation, like underwater coughing for want of a better description.
What is this? Please help!
Bristle- I strongly recommend you try the salt dip I mentioned in chat. If you do it as directed in the link, it can not do an harm and it very well could help. I would consider doing it for two or 3 consecutive days. Just remember, no matter what the directions say, if the fish begins to act "drunk" in the sw, net it out and return it to fw right away.
I can't help, but how are things going?

Did you try the salt?

Hope things are starting to improve.....
Could it possibly have worms (gills)?  Gasping / not eating can be one of the symptoms.
Sadly he did not make it. Not a mark on him when I fished him out, just his gills looked enlarged.
I wonder if it was something caused by the hair algae, you can see small particles of it actually floating in the water. I have put an Algae treatment in, its helping but its not under control. I will get some polyester pads to help scrub the water.
Sad he died but he did give me over 50 baby angels.
Question is, should I keep 7 of the babies back to try and breed or would this inbreeding cause issues. Also what to do with the female angel, when I introduced her young she tried to attack them, but now he is gone, will she not be as territorial?

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