Breeder Net?


Fish Herder
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Queensbury, New York, USA
I found this thing at my LFS thats kinda like a breeder net but is made of plastic and has a lid. I guess its supposed to float in the tank. Are these things ok for keeping the fry in? It would seem to be majorly crowded after a little while.

Also, I can't really tell if my guppies are pregnant or not. They are kinda fat but don't seem to have gotten any fatter in the last few weeks. Could they be pregnant and just not have gotten really large?
guppymonkey said:
I found this thing at my LFS thats kinda like a breeder net but is made of plastic and has a lid. I guess its supposed to float in the tank. Are these things ok for keeping the fry in? It would seem to be majorly crowded after a little while.

Also, I can't really tell if my guppies are pregnant or not. They are kinda fat but don't seem to have gotten any fatter in the last few weeks. Could they be pregnant and just not have gotten really large?
Im not to sure if you could use the LFs as a breeding net i think you would just be best to go to a pet shop and by a breeding net to keep the babies in.

Also with the female guppies it is quite easy to tell if they are pregnant they have a gravid spot near their bum area and they stay pregnant for 4 weeks so they dont get much fatter in the last week so you could either put the pregnant guppy in a breeding net (not to long) and see if she gives birth or put some floating plants at the top of the water which i have done and the babies will try to swim in there so you could save some then.
Hope this helped.
U'll sooner or later have to move the frys into another fry tank. As u've mentioned, they'll get overcrowded in the breeding tank/net.

If u found the gravid spot, u may want to start to set up a fry tank to get ready for the newborns. The "mom" will look like she's gonna explode n it's then u can put her in the fry tank.

I won't suggest to use breeding net/tank as it'll just stress out the "mom".
I don't mean to sound cruel but I really just want a few fry. Could I just keep the ones I want and ... um... (wow this is really cruel sounding)... flush the rest? After about a month or so they should be large enough not to be eaten by the rest of my guppies right?
guppymonkey said:
I don't mean to sound cruel but I really just want a few fry. Could I just keep the ones I want and ... um... (wow this is really cruel sounding)... flush the rest? After about a month or so they should be large enough not to be eaten by the rest of my guppies right?
Being eaten isn't cruel - it's nature and its quick. Being flushed is not only cruel, it is also potentially a criminal offense since you are polluting the water-course with tropical bacteria (in the bodies of your fish).

Fish don't die if you flush them - at least not immediately. They slowly suffocate and get burned by chemicals.

If you don't want to keep all the fry, keep just a few in the breeder net and let the rest take their chances. If they manage to survive anyway, and you have too many, simply wait a few weeks and then take them down your LFS in exchange for a credit voucher or part-payment for something.
agree with anna, save the ones you want and put in a net or box, let the fish eat the rest. i have one of those floating boxes (mainly because i have mollies, and my one mama is big and the nets i saw were all too small, thought they'd stress her out too much). i only had one baby survive and he's doing nicely in the box. it floats and almost sticks to the sides in one corner so it doesn't get in the way, and the slits on the sides are too small for even new fry to get through. what size tank do you have? as they get bigger though, you'll definitely want to move them out of that little box and into another tank if you have one.......
I was hoping that they could stay in the box until they were too big to be eaten. I don't really have room for another tank right now. I guess I should just let nature take its course until I have more room for tanks.

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