Breathing Problem!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
New Jersey
My fish are breathing vary rapidly and im not sure what the cause of this is. My tank is getting over ich and i had been putting in Rid-Ich for the last 2 days. I also just changed the water thinging that could help the filtration of the water, cleaned my live rock, and cleaned out the filter.

What is the problem?
My fish are breathing vary rapidly and im not sure what the cause of this is. My tank is getting over ich and i had been putting in Rid-Ich for the last 2 days. I also just changed the water thinging that could help the filtration of the water, cleaned my live rock, and cleaned out the filter.

What is the problem?

sorry but I have no idea
No its the amonia nitrate. unfortunetly i made a fatal error by cleaning the filter and changing the water the same day, therefore blowing out the ecological cycle in my tank. There isent much of a chance that my fish will survive through the night. I cnat tell you how upset I am bercause i became vary attached to all of then specialy my Huma Huma
That is the exact same thing that happen to me.. My advice would be to get some Nitromax as soon as possible. That will add bateria back into your tank.
Yeah, multiple whammies there :(. Ammonia/nitrite are bad in and of themselves. Compound the problem with an ich infection (which affects gill function), and an ich medication which removes oxygen (formalin/malachite green) and you've got a recepie for disaster :(. Best advice I can give although you're asleep now probably is to increase flowrate and perhaps add a little airstone to the tank and risk the salt creep.
All my fish made it through the night :good: :shout: :hyper:

Their breathing seems to be less rapid today and i'm going out to buy nitromax and Kent Essential Elements. Is there ANYTHING else i need to get?
What do you have in there for flowrate Jordon? Might be good to stick another powerhead at the surface of the water to increase O2 exchange and help the fish out. Its ok to go upwards of 50x flowrate so even if you have around 20x turnover dont be afraid to add more for that extra oxygen.

Are they still breathing heavy?
Very good advice. That's about all you can do for now. The power head pointed up breaking the surface should really help out with the breathing. :good:
becide bio Spira what else do i need to bring my tank back to normal?
That should do it. Are other fish showing any signs of ich?
It's completly cleaning everything that's the problem the filter was dirty making new water put in also dirty keeping a balance of water quality this breathing is probably due to rapid water quality change.

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