Breading my Betta's


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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A few months ago, I brought a male beta.

I recently brought 2 females betta's.

They are in a community tank and they seem to be fine.

Last night I decided I wanted to have a go at breading them.

So I got 1 female and the male and put them in my breading tank that contains no other fish.

The male chases the female with it's cheek's all puff. The female trys to get away. Are they fighting?. I remove them now and put them in the main tank again.


OK. First of all...
Do you have space? You will need at least a 20 gallon grow out tank, and hundreds of jars for when they are grown.
Do you have time? They will need feeding several times a day when they are young.
What are you going to do with them? You can't keep them all, and you will need to find a shop to give them too.
OohFeeshy said:
OK. First of all...
Do you have space? You will need at least a 20 gallon grow out tank, and hundreds of jars for when they are grown.
Do you have time? They will need feeding several times a day when they are young.
What are you going to do with them? You can't keep them all, and you will need to find a shop to give them too.
> Do you have space? You will need at least a 20 gallon grow out tank, and
>hundreds of jars for when they are grown

Thats fine. I brought a 20 gallon tank, heater, and small filter for the job.
Jar's, not a problem. My Girl friend keeps all our jars as I am using them all the time.

>Do you have time? They will need feeding several times a day when they
>are young.

Yes, I have the time. I will feed them...
Once in the morning
Once at lunch
Once after work
Once before I go to bed

> You can't keep them all, and you will need to find a shop to give them too.

Not a problem, I have a friend who works in an LFS.
I also have friends who want one but do not buy them from LFS because they look like their in a bad shape.


Sorry, just checking :) You get lots of people who don't think about breeding, they assume they are like platys or guppies.....
I, being a person who heads off to the local fish stores to rescue the poor souls who end up in those miniscule plastic (hellhole) cups, would have to make a comment -

If you're breeding these poor things just so they wind up on pet store shelves, why do it? Their quality of life sucks. The wait and wait and wait for a good home, and then if they're really lucky they'll wind up at a place where their owners actually make the effort to learn how to take care of them. Most of them (like one poor POOR little guy i saw last night) wind up sick or dead. The guy I saw last night had probably 30 pinholes in his bottom fin alone. He was bobbling around in his 1 cup container and he was obviously sad. His scales were starting to stick up - he was on his way to death. It broke my heart.

There are SO many fish in this world that need homes, why would you want to make more?

BettaMomma said:
I, being a person who heads off to the local fish stores to rescue the poor souls who end up in those miniscule plastic (hellhole) cups, would have to make a comment -

If you're breeding these poor things just so they wind up on pet store shelves, why do it? Their quality of life sucks. The wait and wait and wait for a good home, and then if they're really lucky they'll wind up at a place where their owners actually make the effort to learn how to take care of them. Most of them (like one poor POOR little guy i saw last night) wind up sick or dead. The guy I saw last night had probably 30 pinholes in his bottom fin alone. He was bobbling around in his 1 cup container and he was obviously sad. His scales were starting to stick up - he was on his way to death. It broke my heart.

There are SO many fish in this world that need homes, why would you want to make more?


The LFS where my friend works puts the betta's in tanks with non-fin nippers and not in these dumb small cups.

Her Beta's sell very fast. I was looking at a Betta 2 months ago and saw a really nice one. By the time I went to ask for it, someone else beat me to it and brought it.

Yes, I agree with you, lots of pet stores do miss-treat them which is a shame, but "NOT" all pet stores. People have the impression that they "ALL" do this when really 2 in 10 stores look after them properly.

The lady who own's this LFS has fish at home. She adores fish and it's her hobby. When you walk in to the shop, you can see she cares for her fish. I have never ever seen one dead fish in any of her tanks (no word of a lie)

If any of you are in the UK (down south) go and visit the shop in horsham. It's really nice.

I have about 10 mates that want one also, so I said I'd give it a go at breading them and if all goes well, I will give them one for "free".

I wouldn't bread them and see them suffer. Thats not me what so ever, but do remember not all LFS's are the same.

Anyways, back to my original question please :)

> There are SO many fish in this world that need homes, why would you want to make more?

The people I know will not buy Betta's from most LFS because they look dull and mistreated. They do not want to run the risk of passing a virus from the BETTA's to their other fish.


Well, that's good news that your friend has a nice fish store. However - I can almost guarantee you that here in the United states, there isn't any way that 2 of 10 pet stores treat their animals properly. I have made it part of my life's ritual to visit stores (some up to 2 hours away) just to check on the well-being of the animals. I point out things to them everytime I'm in there. Unfortunately the large chain stores are rapidly making all the little store go out of business, that's just a fact of life, and it's the large chains that don't know how to or even care if they do take good care of their fishes.

And, yes - back to your original question, when you say "cheeks puffed out", do you mean "flaring"?? You might want to read up on what flaring means before you try to breed. I don't breed, but I do know that flaring is the first step in their little spawning ritual.

Good luck with your breeding process, it does sound like your little guys will go to good places.

The people I know will not buy Betta's from most LFS because they look dull and mistreated. They do not want to run the risk of passing a virus from the BETTA's to their other fish.

How would bettas pass on diseases to other fish? Do they not go thru the quarantine process? They definitely should. I have made a comment before, and I will ALWAYS stick by it - I don't think that male bettas should be with any other fish, ever. that is JUST my opinion, however.
How to bread bettas-
1. Deep fry betta, then roll in breadcrumbs
2. Serve with chips

Sorry... :*) couldn't resist
OohFeeshy said:
How to bread bettas-
1. Deep fry betta, then roll in breadcrumbs
2. Serve with chips

Sorry... :*) couldn't resist
need garlic as well make nice garlic bread......... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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