Brandon's 22 Gallon Journal

I originally purchased a 10 gallon with the black sand, a heater, two HOB filters, the bleached coral on the top of the rock, two backgrounds, 2 powerheads, hood, and glass cover for $50 (what a steal for a starter!) I just took the sand from that tank and transferred it to my new one. I really like the black, I wish people would use it more- it brings out the color of the fish, IMO.

Ok, I've added another tank to my "set up." It's a 3 gallon Eclipse. The hood has a bio-wheel, light, etc., but I am not using the bio wheel. Here's my set up:

That's a real snake, too.

My heater, filter, snake, etc. will be stored in the 8 gal "trash receptacle" behind my stand. I drilled holes through my stand today, so I can run cords to the back:

I am thinking that I will run an air hose through the bottom hole and use it to set up my brine shrimp hatchery as I am going to have dwarf seahorses in my 3 gallon. I have already ordered the brine cysts and the macro algae for my 3 gal. I am getting really excited to start it up! :hyper:

Here's what the whole set-up looks like from the front:

Sorry the picture quality is so bad, there is a lot of light in my room from working behind the tank, etc., but it gives you a nice idea of what the finished product will look like.

Any ideas? Any suggestions?
Finally! I got it finished! Here is my tank from the front:

Here is my sump from above (really the only way you can take a picture of it):

Just looking at that thing makes me go crazy :).

Props to Ski for suggesting putting socks around the ends of my tubes to keep bubbles out of the water (he mentioned that on someone else's post). Works great, sounds like a really nice trickle, trickle of water (like one of those Nature CDs you buy at Walmart).

It works in concept, but id really try and clean up that arrangement. Maybe place it all in a nicer looking box (ie an el' cheapo from IKEA) next too the Aquarium, rather than having it underneath an electronic Medusa. :p Is that a light globe I see hanging on the edge of the container? :X

Remember Murphy's Law:

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong
OH, it works ;). It does look crazy, but rest assured I would never do anything that would get anyone electrocuted. The "Medusa" looking power strip is nailed to the back of my stand. Most of the cords hang over the side of the sump. The heater, and two powerheads hang into the sump. Otherwise there really isn't much room. the sump has to stay behind the tank, because I have to confine myself to a very small space when I go to college next year. Thanks for the suggestions!


BTW, I made a sticker on my computer and slapped "Medusa" on the side of my power strip :p
Questions for some people:

My protein skimmer hasn't seen any action since it's been in the sump. It isn't pulling anything out of the water. How can I fix this? I also moved the canister filter back to the main aquarium, because I wasn't getting enough movement and also because the sump is generally too low for it to function properly. If I want to rescape my main tank, what should I do with my fish? Just take them out and bag them for an hour or put them in the 3 gallon below my 22 gallon? Any suggestions? I am going to add 1/2 inch pvc piping under the substrate that will act as a "cushion" or "base rock" for my live rock. This will give my tank more "flow."


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