Brandon's 22 Gallon Journal


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2007
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I recently started up a 10 gal. tank, but saw a 22 gal cube with light and stand. I snatched it up for $160. I moved all of my 10 gal "stuff" over to the 22 and it's been running for about a week now.

Here's my equipment

1x 100 watt heater
2x 200 gph powerhead
1x 14 watt florescent
1x 15 watt florescent
1x Red Sea Berlin Air Lift

I just bought the skimmer more out of curiosity than anything else. This tank will be FOWLR and I am really excited to see how it ends up.

Pictures come tomorrow...time for sleeping is now...

- b/lab -
Well here they are!

My tank:


The tank and the stand together cost around $160 (helps when your gf works at PetCo)

My clown, Ulysses, and my firefish, Nottingham with my LR

A closer shot of my fish and LR, with my power heads and skimmer.


Oh yeah, I got a coupon for a free 1.5 gal tank...maybe I'll do something crazy with that, mwahaha.

- b/lab -
Yeah go for it!!!

Looks lovely. Just one question....why the names? I'm always curious :blush:
Ulysses is from the Odyssey I believe, anyway- it's a Homer name and Nottingham...well it just came to me :)

Actually, well everyone probably knows this, but Homer actually used the name Nemo in one of his works, meaning "No one" - just a fun little fact that I stole from my girl friend :)

The lights are just 14 and 15 watt (one is 50/50 actinic) lights. I will be purchasing this: Lighting

That should help make the tank look a little more aesthetically pleasing, because my ten gallon hood is hanging over the edge on the top...I'll wait until I get I pay off my brand new purchase... microsoft office 2007, damn trial versions- I can't open any of my work until I buy the full version. Thank god for ebay!

- b/lab -
O so the actinic light gives it the blue glow right?

Isn't that fixture a little small? It's only 9"
(I'm on a different computer and on my gf's account...)

Yeah, they are nine inch fixtures. It is really small, but then again the tank is a cube and the dimensions aren't classifed as "normal." I really enjoy the tank and will be taking steps to put in more live rock once the money starts flowing :). I am glad you all enjoyed it! Thanks for all of the positive feed back. What do you all think of the Berlin Air Lift skimmer? I love, I haven't had any problems and it works great for this tank, especially on a low budget and small space. I can't believe how much junk it pulled out of the water in one day.

- b/lab -
In the Odyssey, Ulysses gets stuck in the cave with a cyclops. After stabbing out the cyclops's eye (or possibly just in darkness.. I can't remember which happens first), the cyclops calls out "Who goes there!" and Ulysses replies, "Nemo!"

Nemo, meaning - nobody

There is the clownfish connection :)

I would change your aquascaping and get the LR off the glass walls. You'll be sorry later when coralline algae builds up and you will have blind areas in your tank. In general, you should leave room on all sides of the tank for:
  • room for a magfloat to get in to scrape the glass
  • avoid scratches and risk to cracking the tank if the rocks shift
  • improve circular flow about the tank
  • reduce dead areas

^ Good point.

Takes a bit of patience getting the rocks to really get into a position where they lock together, but it's much easier to look after long term.

Gives the fish a bit more swimming room as well.

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