Brand New Tank And Really High Ph


Fish Fanatic
Sep 3, 2008
Reaction score
Isles of Scilly
Hi guys, I havent been on for a while which is a good thing I suppose which means my other tank is doing great. Anyway the reason im here is because ive just purchased a 35L biube for my bedroom which is set up correct but I came to check my pH levels and they are 9.5 when my tap water is 7.5/8. I did a 90% water change and checked again but it was exactly the same, im completly baffled by this and not sure what to do now.
Has anyone had similar problems or anyone know what I can do to sort this problem out as I know high pH can kill all bacteria :(
An help would be really appreciated :good:
Did you wash it out with bleach before using it as this would cause the high ph. Where have you gotten the tank from and what has happened to it since being in your possession?
No i just rinsed it out with tap water, I bought it brand new online and since setting it up all ive done to it is add the stress coat and zyme that comes with it and then two days later once its the right temperature the ammonia.
also added a centre price to hide the pipe and a couple of plastic plants.
What is the centre piece made from and have you tried taking it out and testing after water change, ditto wiith the plants?
Im not too sure what the centre piece is made from, some sort of plastic at a guess and the plants are plastic too reef one's very own
Ditch the ceramic and put gravel. Ceramic can contain limestone which will raise your ph.
now that would make perfect sense and please my wife but the filter that comes with the biube is small compared to my rena xp3 external filter for my 180L, would'nt I struggle to cycle the tank without the ceramic media?
Are we talking about the same thing here? The stuff on the bottom of the tank?

The media inside your filter should keep the bacteria.
yeah we are there is a small filter system in the bottom with a couple of sponges in it but it also use the ceramic media too.

What you see at the bottom of this link is the ceramic media, Reef One say "dont take the ceramic media out to swap with gravel or sand" but then they probably would say that would'nt they.

this is what i have and at the bottom you will see (Ceramic Media):
Oh, I understand now. It has an under gravel filter. Well I would highly suggest you get a new filter, either a HOB type or a small internal filter. You CAN replace the ceramic with bigger gravel but I would stay away from the small gravel or sand.

The sponge will hold most of the bacteria.
When you say you've added ammonia, you're doing a fishless cycle right? Ammonia is alkaline and will raise pH, so are you sure you've added the right amount of the right concentration?
Yeah I am doing a fishless cycle and I think ive added the right amount of ammonia but when your talking about 1.84ml its hard to get it really correct, but it did look about 5ppm.

btw just realised you from Mansfield Ellena, I used to live in Long Eaton on the other side of Notts :)
Ok ive just done another test and the pH has dropped down to about 8.0 which should'nt affect the cycling process (hopefully). Thanks to everyone for offering there help on here you have alll been really helpful and given me some good ideas about maybe adding an internal filter in there instead of the standard one and maybe having sand so I could have some of my beloved Peppered Cory's in there ;)

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