Brackish Water


Fish Fanatic
Oct 18, 2003
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Bradford Eng.
I've read lots of times now that Mollies like brackish water, normal water with a small salt addition. What other fish prefer or are fine with salty water or does it matter?
Can you please help?
Thanx Love Mol x x x
Mollies originally come from brackish water, but I believe that nowadays freshwater mollies have been bred. These mollies should not have any salt in their water, so you should ask the staff at the LFS which mollies they are before buying them. Other livebearers are also originally from brackish water, but the same thing applies to them.
If you want to go brackish you could keep bumblebee goby (small), scat (gets really big) or puffers (aggressive I don't think you can keep them with mollies). You may want to ask about brackish fish in the oddball forum. I keep my mollies in fresh water because you can keep a greater variety of fish including pleco and cory in with them.
keep in mind that many fish are kept both brackish and fresh. bumblebee gobies and mollies are perfect examples. make sure that when you decide on what you want, that your lfs sells them as brackish. if they sell them as fw, you'll need to keep them in fw as they won't acclimate well. i keep my mollies fw, as thats what the lfs sells them as, and they do fine. same with my future bb gobies. some puffer types are indeed brackish, but there are fw varieties, like the dwarf ones, that are fw. check out the oddball section for more on puffers. are you interested in any fish in particular or do you just want a brackish tank and aren't too particular about fish types? do you currently have mollies that you keep brackish and are looking for ideas for tank mates? that will help us to give you better advice........

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